3: Sabito

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|Warning| ⚠Long Chapter⚠
Words | 2448

"Ne- ne~ Tancchi, are you sure not wanting me to help?" Haru looked at the limping burgundy boy as her eyes glistening in concern.

"I-i'm fine, Haru-sa- ahhh!!!" Tanjiro stumbling down, Haru quickly grabbed his arm before putting it over her shoulders to help him balanced. "Stubborn"

Haru huffed as the two continue their walk, earlier Haru asked if she could tag along with Tanjiro since she also went to Urokodaki's place which Tanjiro gladly accepted.

When Haru about to used her breath technique to ease his pain, Tanjiro refused it since he didn't want her to waste it for something like this.

The two continued walking in silence them Haru break it. "Could you tell me more about the two disciples of Urokodaki's that the demon mentioned?"

Tanjiro nodded and started to tell her about when he met the two. She learned that their names are 'Makomo' for the girl and 'Sabito' for the boy.

The time seems to be fast forwards since the two didn't realize that they already arrived at the humble cottage of Urokodaki's until both of them heard a door being kicked.

Their eyes shifted towards the sounds, Haru felt some interesting aura as a girl that looks younger than the two of them walking out from the cottage.

The girl has black hair and orange colors for the tips, pink eyes, and pale-ish skin. She also wearing a light pink kimono with a hemp leaf pattern then black haori covering it. But what interest Haru the most is the bamboo nuzzles covering her mouth.

Tanjiro gasps at the sight of the girl before running towards her and falling on the ground, Haru watched as the two engulfed each other in a warm hug.

A clank can be heard as an old man with the same outfit as Tanjiro except he wears a red tengu mask comes in the view and join in the warm hug.

The raven-haired girl smiled at the sight, then glance to the side as she caught a glimpse of a peach-hair stick their head from the corner of the cottage to see the group before running away.

Curiosity gets the best of the petite female as she went after it.

Tanjiro heard her sudden movement causing him to lift his head toward where the female supposedly standing only to find no one.

"H-Haru-san? She's gone!?" He started to panicked.

Meanwhile, with Haru, she's approaching a boulder that was cut in half. She stood there in amazement and caress the giant rock.

"I guess this is the boulder that Tanjiro told me, he really did cut the boulder..." She smiles softly, remembering the story of the burgundy boy's training.

"That's right!" a sudden firm voice said.

Looking up to see a boy with peach hair and a fox mask with a scar covering his face, Haru watched the boy plopped down and sits on top of the boulder.

She smile. "Ah, are you perhaps, the Sabito that Tanjiro told me about?" She asked which the male replied with a nod.

"The demon already dead and Tanjiro avenged you all, I'm guessing the other spirits already rest in peace?" Again Sabito only nodded at the female.

"Then why you still here?" Haru tilted her head to the side. "Can't rest" Was all he muttered towards her, Haru raised her eyebrow. "Why?"

Sabito looked at her, tilting his head too. "Someone still blaming himself over my de- Why are you asking anyway?" He huffed, looking away.

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