35: Demon in the village

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 774

"Oi, Shorty wake up! We're already in the inn, now get off of me! You're heavy!" Genya's rough voice snapped, though he lied about the last part. Haru was light as a feather, it's almost like he carries nothing.

The sleepy ravenette girl started to awake and proceed to get off of him.

Haru yawned as she tiredly rubs her eyes. "Thank you, Genya-kun! I guess you are a soft-hearted after all! Oh, and my name is-" Genya cut her off. "I know, Hanasaki Haru.. However, don't get used to this! This is just a one-time thing!" He grumbles, walking away from the short girl.

"Ara, I guess- just call me Haru!!" The girl beamed at the descending male, a soft smile made its way on her pale face.

"I hope we could be friends" She whispered to herself, hoping deep inside her heart. She began to walk back toward her shared room, only to see that Tanjiro already there.

"Ah! Haru-chan!" Tanjiro beamed at the girl as she nodded at him. "You were gone back then, I was getting worried and thought that you might be already back, but... now I'm glad you're alright" Tanjiro scratch his cheek a bit.

"Sorry about that, I was talking with Genya-Kun earlier" Haru smile sheepishly causing the burgundy boy looked at her questionably and arched his eyebrow in confusion.

"Shinazugawa Genya?" 

Haru nodded and hummed at him in confirmation. "Oh... just the two of you?" He asked again, felling a weird tug inside his heart, which getting more uncomfortable when Haru nodded again. "I see..." He trailed off, before brushing the feeling away.

The next night, Haru was wandering around the hall trying to find something to do.

"Shit face!! I don't need that crap! Get out!!" Haru flinched at the sudden yelling from inside a room. "This voice... Genya-Kun's...?" She pondered.

"Huh? Your teeth, didn't you pull them out... at spring?" Tanjiro's voice speaks up inside the same room, Haru smile weirdly and getting interest at the conversation.

She heard nothing for a few minutes until. "You must've been seeing things" Genya said in a low-flat voice. 

"No I wasn't! I have your tooth here!"

Haru let out a snort as she could imagine that Tanjiro did pulled out a tooth. "Why did you  take it?! Ewww! You're fucking gross!" Haru silently laugh then stopped when Tanjiro was throwned out of the room.

"Tanjiro!!" Haru sweated as she went to help the burgundy boy, looking at Genya with a glare as the mohawk do the same towards Tanjiro.

"Genya! You can't just throw your comrade and friend just like that!" Scolded Haru, Genya noticed her and looked away. "He's not my comrade nor friend! Now get out of my sights!" Genya slammed the door close at their faces.

Haru sighs, shaking her head before helped Tanjiro to stand. "Are you okay?" Haru asked, worried evident on her face. Tanjiro beamed at the girl in reassurance.

"Ne me, Tanjiro- why you had Genya-Kun's tooth?" Haru titled her head and so they went back to their room with Tanjiro telling her the story.

Once they got back, they both decided to go rest for the night.

Haru snapped her eyes open as she felt presence, looking around to see Muichiro poking on her cheek along pinching Tanjiro's nose.

"Do you know the swordsmith Kanamori?" The long haired boy softly asked at her.

Tanjiro jolt awake almost scaring Haru. "Tokito-kun! Did you just pinch my nose?" The two started to talks as Haru got distracted by a crow suddenly flew in with a sword in its hold.

"Perfect-" She quickly grabbed it and summoned her gun. Shooting straight to where she felt an odd aura- almost demon-like. "Haru-chan?" Tanjiro looked at her questionably.

Soon after, the door slid open to reveal a demon. Haru hisses at it causing her fang sharpening and everyone immediately went on fighting stance. 

'Mist Breathing: Fourth form: Advection Slash'

Yet the demon dodged Muichiro's attack and hang on the ceiling, Haru was about to use her chains but Tanjiro stopped her before she did. "Don't, Haru-chan! Please don't use it... You haven't recover completely..."

Tanjiro looked at her, worries and fear visible on his face. Haru clenched her teeth yet obligated anyway.

The burgundy haired boy went in for the attack. 'Dance of the fire god: Shining sun stab!'

He pierced his sword straight to the ceiling, the demon jumped down giving Nezuko opportunity to kicked it towards Haru.

'Spring Breathing: Sixth form: Slashing Thorns'

She managed to cut it by the neck, smirking a bit but then- instead of turning into dust particles. The body split into two.

'Head grew a body and the other grew a head...' Haru clicked her tongue annoyed. 'This demon... are bad news...'

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