43: Hashira Training III: Lovely Snake

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 861

Haru made her way to Kanroji Estate, where the Love Hashira resides.

"Haru-chan! Haru-chan! It's been so long!" Greeted Mitsuri happily at the sight of the petite Spring Breath user. "Come to my home!" She waved at the ravenette.

Haru smile before bowing a bit. "I'm glad to see that you're doing great, Mitsuri-chan" Mitsuri squealing, happy at the girl before dragged her inside. "Mitsuri-chan, I smell honey" Haru pointed out, letting the pink-haired female dragging her.

"Ah! Did you figure it out? I love making honey and putting it on my bread with tons of butter! I pour myself some black tea at three! Oh, I'll make some pancakes, so get excited!" Mitsuri continues to blabber causing Haru to sweat.

"Please, I don't want to be a bother..." Haru deadpanned as Mitsuri just ignores her.Haru had no choice but to accept Mitsuri's cooking, smiling kindly despite she's not fond of sweet foods. Mitsuri watched the petite girl eating the pancake with her cheeks stuffed.

"Haru-chan!! You look like a chipmunk! You're so adorable with that stuffed cheeks! Ah~ I feel like a proud mother!"

Haru blushed when she got pulled into a hug by the happy-go-lucky hashira, not because of the showering compliments that were thrown towards her but Haru can't handle big boobs.

Later On...

"D-do I have to wear that?" Haru backed away from Mitsuri who's holding a tight yet stretchy pink outfit. Mitsuri beamed brightly causing Haru's face went paler and unsure, she gulped and starts running away with Mitsuri chasing after her.

"No!!! I don't wanna wear that!!" Cried Haru, running in circles until Mitsuri cornered her. "Kyaaaaaa!!!" Haru screams loudly as it could be heard throughout the estate.

Mitsuri successfully made Haru wears it, the petite girl tries to keep focus as she trains with flexibility against Mitsuri, ignoring the stares from the slayers as she trains. "Uwah! I didn't know that Haru-chan is this good!" Praised Mitsuri.

Nonetheless, Haru manages to pass the training in two days and she was glad to be able back to wear her uniform.

As she was about to go, Mitsuri called out for her.

"Ah! Haru-chan! You're going to Iguro-san's right? Then, take this with you! I'm sure he hasn't eaten anything!" Mitsuri passed over a bento box to the short girl.

Haru looked at it but nodded. "Alright, then I'll be going now! Thank you for the training!" Haru waves and walked away, made her way to the Serpent Hashira's Estate.

When she was there, a certain white snake slithers its way around Haru's neck and rubs its head on her cheek. "Uh... what?" Haru looked at it, confused but she reaches over and gives it a good pat on the albino reptiles.


A grumpy voice said from behind her, turning around to see none other than Obanai Iguro, the Serpent Hashira himself.

"Oh, it's you" Haru flatly said, her face looks at him boredly. "That's supposed to be my line you brat! I heard about you from Kanronji-" Haru cut him off with a wave from her hand. "I know, I know, you jealous kid" Haru sighs teasingly.

"You dare to cut me off, huh?! Brat" Grumbles Iguro. "Yes, yes. You also have a lot of guts to threatening my brother huh?"

Haru gives him closed eyes smiles. "And since you calling me a brat, I guess I won't giving the bento that Mitsuri made just for you"

This made Iguro flinch and went quiet which amused Haru, then they went to the training ground. Haru's face went pale at the sight of low-rank slayers being tied up.

Haru narrowed her eyes sharply towards the Hashira beside her. "The hell is this?! A torture place!?" She glares darkly at him. "A training ground, you better swing your sword while avoiding these obstacles" Iguro flatly stated.

The petite girl groaned in annoyance, a bit irritated by the lack of sympathy the hashira had. "Let's make a deal! If I manage to beat you before dusk, I'll let you have this bento along with you letting go of the slayers?" Haru crossed her arms.

"Only 5, but if you don't then you will also face the same fate as them" Iguro looked at her as if he was mocking her which ticked Haru's nerves. "Deal"

And there goes the training, so far Haru could dodge all Iguro's attacks thanks to her training with the other hashiras that increasing her skills but she also found it hard to do her own attacks since whenever she does so; the slayers gives her a begging look.

"What's wrong, brat? Hesitating now? You talk big but you're just coward"

When he look at Haru supposedly at the petite girl is nowhere to be seen then slashes was heard, Haru was standing behind Iguro as she managed to cut a bit of the hashira's haori.

"And I've won, you shouldn't understimate me! Oh, and you better keep the deal we've made~ the bento is on the side table over there, also... Confess to Mitsuri-chan soon, mkay~" 

Haru grinned at the blushing male as she made her way out of the dojo, ignoring the yelling coming from Iguro.

'Yeah, those two would make a cute couple... Man, I hope the two really get married in the future! It would be fantastic~'

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