28: Uppermoon 六: Gyuutaro

254 13 3

Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1827

The bullets were deflected away by Daki's sash, Haru continues her shooting until she runs out of her bullets in her gun. "Ah- crap-"

A sash shot towards Tanjiro's direction and Haru cover him as she got slashed across her chest, leaving a deep cut. Tanjiro eyes widened as he watched blood dripping onto the ground, the petite girl falls on her knees. "Haru-chan!"

Daki laughed at Haru's wounded state. "Capable of regenerating but unable to heal, aren't you pathetic little..."

Daki trailed off as Uzui appeared suddenly.

"Hey, you holding up fine?" The sound hashira asked Tanjiro, Haru let out a scoff through her gritted teeth. 

"You're late, old man" She pulled a forced smirk at the white-haired male. "Idiot, do something about your wound" Uzui flicked the petite girl's forehead before turn his attention back at Nezuko.

"Isn't this Kamado Nezuko? She's flamboyantly progressing into a demon" Uzui stated as it is a matter of fact.

The group seems to forget the other demon as they talk with each other.

'Concentrate, Haru' Haru's eyes widened a bit as she heard Kyojuro's voice. Haru summoned her sword and point it towards her wound. "Spring Breathing: Fourth form: Breeze of Cantella" 

The wound starts closing up as it stopped bleeding. "You two made such a huge show in front of Oyakata-sama and this is how it turns out?" Uzui pokes Tanjiro's head. Haru let out a small sighed.

"A hashira came from that direction? This saves me some trouble..." Haru glanced towards Daki who's still standing at the same spot.

'She's still here? I mean, I just forgot about her a moment ago...' Haru sweatdropped a bit.

"So annoying, I'm talking over here. Buzz off" Said Uzui in an uninterested tone. "You're not an upper-moon, are you? You're weak- way too weak. You're not the demon I'm looking for" 

He looks over to Daki, Haru arched her eyebrow. 'Is this guy being serious? Some numbers engraved on her-' To Haru's surprised, Daki's head was slid off from her neck. 

"Hey, the fight isn't over yet. Do something about your sister" Uzui stated at Tanjiro who seems surprised by it too before put his attention at his sister, Haru did the same as the burgundy boy. "Ah, right!" Nezuko still struggling with the chains that tied by Haru.

"Dumb brats who grumble around have no place on the battlefield, sing her some lullaby or something"

Before Haru could say anything, she was pulled along out of the window when Nezuko jumps off. "Oof-" Haru fall on top of Nezuko as the small demon gripping onto her shoulders with her nails digging into it.

"Nezuko! Calm down! It's Haru-chan!" Tanjiro tried to calm his sister down, Haru stares onto Nezuko's demonic eyes as her lips moving to sing a lullaby tone.

"Knock knock, Little bunny from the little mountain..." Tears dripping from her pained blue orbs onto Nezuko's cheeks. "Why are your ears so long?" Tanjiro stares at Haru before sing along.

"When she was small, my mother ate the leaves of a tall tree, and that is why my ears so long"

Nezuko's eyes widened as she stopped her struggling. "Knock knock, little bunny from the little mountain" Haru cups Nezuko's cheeks. "Why are your eyes so red?" Nezuko's pink orbs stare into Haru's blue ones.

"When she was small, my other ate the fruit of a red tree and that's why my eyes are red" Tanjiro and Haru finishes, Nezuko burst into tears as soon as the chains disappeared, she leaped over to Haru and hugged onto her.

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