30: Consciousness

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1118

"So, why are we here again? Y̵̨̼̟̔͛̏͘o̸̹͕̞̟̎̅͒r̷̢̡̝̫̤͉͎̹͙̉͌͘ͅi̴͔͖̩̠̭̫͎̓͋̈́̉̈̐͝͝ͅc̵̡̩̰̻̝̟̽̒̏̈́̾̚̚͝͝ḩ̴̻̠̤͓͕̖̙͕̍i̶̧͎̭̺̣̓͌͐̾͋̆͗̀͆̚-̸̘͓̖̣̳̞̽͋̒͗̈́͂̍̆͑͗͜s̶͚͈̏̇͂͌̃̋̍̚͝ą̵̘̞̝̝̂̆͝n̸̨̮͖̲͓̯̹͍̂͝͝" 

Voices, I heard voices but when I open my eyes. I saw myself looking at the sky while walking. Walking? Wait where am I?. I couldn't find myself to move my body as it moves on its own.

"Just to visit an old friend of mine, the coal family" Answered a gentle yet monotone male voice, then I turned my head to see a man with a mark on his forehead and long burgundy hair.

"Oh! The one you keep telling me about? The one you saved from the demon?" His maroon eyes narrowed into my skull before looking away. "Yes, and as much as I can remember. You're the one who kept asking about it, Haru-san" He said again.

How did you know my name?

I found myself huffed and pouting then flashed a beaming smile. "Well, Y̵̨̼̟̔͛̏͘o̸̹͕̞̟̎̅͒r̷̢̡̝̫̤͉͎̹͙̉͌͘ͅi̴͔͖̩̠̭̫͎̓͋̈́̉̈̐͝͝ͅc̵̡̩̰̻̝̟̽̒̏̈́̾̚̚͝͝ḩ̴̻̠̤͓͕̖̙͕̍i̶̧͎̭̺̣̓͌͐̾͋̆͗̀͆̚-̸̘͓̖̣̳̞̽͋̒͗̈́͂̍̆͑͗͜s̶͚͈̏̇͂͌̃̋̍̚͝ą̵̘̞̝̝̂̆͝n̸̨̮͖̲͓̯̹͍̂͝͝ always have the best stories to tell!" I said, grinning at him.

Who is this guy again? Why I can't seem to remember his name? Is this a dream? or a memory?

He didn't say anything else then turn to me smiling as sakura leaves falling because of the wind, creating huge rustling sounds. My eyes seem to widen when the guy smiling as if it's my first time seeing.

Then he starts to moves his lips but I can't hear a thing on what he was saying as lights start to surround me

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Then he starts to moves his lips but I can't hear a thing on what he was saying as lights start to surround me.

Haru slowly opened her eyes as she remembers the man in her dream. "Who..." as soon as her hoarse yet soft voice leave from her plum lips, a sound of a vase shattering can be heard.

At the corner of Haru's eyes, Kanao's figure rushed towards her side, looking unsure yet at the same time relieved.

"A-are you okay? After the fight ended, you didn't regain consciousness for two whole months..." The Tsuguko softly informed the bedridden female.

Haru let out a dry chuckle. "I-Is that so..." Haru proceeds to get up from her bed, her breath hitched as she felt intense pain inside her whole body.

'My whole body feels like shit...' Haru let out a low groan then glanced at Kanao who awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do.

"C-can you- helped me... to where... other... is?" Haru said throughout her gritted teeth, Kanao started to sweats. "B-but, M-Master said-" Kanao's lilac eyes widened when Haru ripped the IV drips away from her arm as blood dripping.

"Please..." Kanao went quiet as she stares at Haru's pleading face.

And went they go, Kanao helped Haru up and put the injured slayer's arm over her shoulder to get her more balanced. The Tsuguko led her towards Tanjiro's room.

As soon as they get in there, Haru's eyes were starting to get glossy as tears began to glaze her eyes. Before long she began to cry at the sight of Tanjiro's unconscious body on the bed.

"T-Tanjiro..." Haru pushed herself off from Kanao's hold, almost falling as she limping her way towards Tanjiro, holding on the side of his bed as she watched him breathing steadily. "T-thank god... you're safe..." Haru tried to wipe her tears.

Then Tanjiro starts to regain his consciousness and opened his eyes as tears flowing down his face.

"Tanjiro!" Haru smile before winching in pain and cough a bit, Tanjiro shifted his tired eyes at her and smile a bit at her. "H-Haru-chan..." He reached out his hand towards her and placed it gently on her bandaged cheek as he caressing it.

"Thank god..." Haru delicately held his hand, soft smile displayed on her paled face.

Meanwhile, Kanao just stares at the two then she felt familiar cold presences. "Kanao, why are you here?" She turned her head around to see a kakushi named Goto and her childhood friend, Toshiko Yu.

"We're here to bring castella-"

Yu stopped when he realized that Haru was on the side of the bed and talking with the conscious Tanjiro.

Yu turns to face Kanao with a shocking face instead of his usual stoic ones.

"They woke up?! W-wait! That girl isn't supposed to be here! Why aren't supposed to be here! Why aren't you screaming?!" He shakes the poor girl. "You should've called someone that both of them managed to regain consciousness! Goto!" 

Yu turned to the poor shaken Kakushi. "Tell everyone about this!" He demanded. Haru turned around to see what's the commotion about then she felt her heart aching.




"Ack-" Blood dripping from her lips, the other looks at her. Eyes widened as the blood dripped onto the floor. 'W-what...

She felt her body went limp as darkness is all she sees and the last thing she heard was screaming. "Haru!!!"

"Look! Her hand is moving!!"




Haru opened her eyes before clutched it close again and re-open it as she adjusts with the light. "H-Haru, you're awake..." She heard her brother cried beside her.

Looking around she saw Giyu with tears at the corners of his tired eyes, Sabito was holding her hand and Yuki beside her, crying mess. "What happen...?" Sabito's hand gripped onto hers. 

"What happen?! What happen!? I don't know! Two months ago I was assigned with the wind and serpent hashiras only to find your bloody form!-" Sabito stopped in mid-sentence when he realized that Haru already backs asleep.

"Well... we should let her rest, the two of you should too... I'll report about her condition to Shinobu-san" Yuki walked out of the room.

Giyu looks at Haru's sleeping state. "I don't want to lose her..." He heard his peach-haired friend muttered. Giyu didn't know what to feel either, but whenever he near the ravenette girl, he felt butterflies inside his stomach.

But when he saw her covered in bandages, he can't help it but feel his heart aching. He clenched his teeth and pats Sabito's shoulder. "Me too..."

Then they heard the door being flung open as it revealed two men, Sanemi with Kyojuro beside him.

"Kyojuro... Sanemi...?"

The two hashiras walked into the room, Kyojuro has an eyepatch covering his left eye while Sanemi looks as grumpy as ever.

"How's she holding up...?" The former flame hashira asked. "She's holding up fine..." Sabito sighed. "Tch, at least she's not dead" Sanemi grumbled under his breath. 

"Yeah, says the one who immediately cradled her close despite being the one who taunts-"

"Shut up!!"

"No, you shut up!"

Kyojuro and Giyu just stood there quietly while Sabito and Sanemi bickering, Giyu sighed in annoyance and smacked their heads. "Both of you. Quiet"

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