15: Shinazugawa, Water Duo, and Rengoku

576 20 12

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 2443

Haru went to sit in front of Kanao, and before she could even move a muscle. Kanao splashed the tea on her face. "K-Kanao-chan, you could've just given the cup to me for me to drink, instead of splash it on my face... It's a waste of a tea"

Haru sweatdropped as she brushes her hair from her face while the tsuguko only smiles at her.

"Wahh- not even Haru-chan could beat her!" Tanjiro heard his blonde friend exclaimed. "Even though she has Incredibles abilities, she still loses" Zenitsu continued.  

Tanjiro thinks otherwise as he continues to watch Haru, she's now chasing Kanao around the training ground without breaking any sweat. He noticed one thing, Haru's scents. It's more 'human-like' rather than her usual 'light-distorted' scents that Haru emitting back at Mt. Natagumo.

He watched her getting closer to Kanao's cape and Haru use the opportunities to pull it then hold Kanao in a hug, making the kamaboko trio surprised that she manages to catch up with Kano.

"Finally...caught you" Haru was panting as she tries to catch her breath. "Awesome! Haru-chan's abilities are awesome!" Zenitsu praised but he only earned a confused look from Haru.

"Haru-san didn't use her abilities, Zenitsu" Tanjiro pointed out, Haru nodded as she let go of Kanao. 

"You noticed it, Tanji-Kun?" Haru went to the burgundy boy. "I mean- It wouldn't be fair if I use my abilities, besides I shouldn't rely on it too much since I'm still unable to control it properly. I'm too weak- still too weak, that's why I try to train my strength"

For a brief second, Tanjiro could smell an overwhelming scent of sadness but it disappeared and replaced with a warm scent.

Haru noticed his worried face so she flashes him a reassuring smile as she sat beside him.

In the next five days, the boys had failed miserably against Kanao, while Haru still losing against Kanao on the cup game yet managed to wins in the tag game.

Not long after, Zenitsu and Inosuke stopped coming to the training room. Leaving Haru and Tanjiro, the two looked at each other, nodding. "Please train us!" 

After training, Haru walking down the hallway while doing total concentration breathing. "Do you maintain the total concentration breathing state around the clock?" 

Haru heard a familiar soft voice that belongs to one of the three little girls.

Looking ahead to see the three girls talking with a certain burgundy boy, he has questioning look displayed on his face. Haru went to them. 

"Morning, noon, and night. And-" Haru decides to join in. "All through the night while you're asleep" She smiles as she stood beside the girls, startling them all. "Haru-san!" Tanjiro smiles at the sight of the petite girl.

"Do you use the total concentration breathing non-stop?" One of the girls asked him.

"No, I don't. I've never done that- is that even possible?" He started to sweating and looking at Haru who nodded in confirmation.

"Yes! We're told that being able to do that makes all difference in the world! Do you use it too, Haru-san?"

Haru grinned. "Yeah, I've been trying to do that since Yuki mentioned it to me. I- haven't mastered it though" Haru chuckles a bit, scratching her cheek.

"Even just using that technique for a short time- really took a toll on me, but I should do it around the clock too, huh? And Haru-san- h-how did you managed to do that without getting your lungs burst out?" Tanjiro's body starts to tremble.

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