37: Love Hashira: Kanroji Mitsuri

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1394

A blur of pink slashed through the attack before it hit Haru by none other than the love hashira herself.

The love hashira put Tanjiro beside Haru, the ravenette girl stares at Mitsuri, in a daze by her sudden appearance. "K-Kanroji-san!?"

"You two just rest up now! Nice work there! That was amazing!"

The pink-haired female pats Haru's head before went to face Zohakuten. Tanjiro tried to reach for Mitsuri to stopped her. "Wait- that's an upper moon! Upper-moon four-" Tanjiro stopped by coughing.

Haru shakes her head before pointing her sword towards the burgundy boy. "Spring Breathing: Fourth Form: Breath of Cantella"

Tanjiro looked at Haru, smiling gratefully at her.

"Hey, you! Your pranks went too far there! I'm gonna take Nezuko-chan and Genya-Kun back now!" Stated the Love hashira, Haru could see fumes coming out from Mitsuri's head as she smiles.

"Shut your mouth, Harlot. I only take orders from one person in this word" Zohakuten flatly stated, an imaginary lightning blaring at Mitsuri's background as Haru sweatdropped. 'That's not how you call a lady, ass shit' She facepalmed.

'Blood Demon Art: Resonance Bolt of Death'

Instead of dodging the incoming attack, Mitsuri raised her blade. 'Love Breathing: Third Form: Lovely Kitty Shower!' She cuts through the attack with such ease, Haru watch in an awe at how easily Mitsuri did it.

"Now, I'm mad! You may look like a kid but that's still unforgivable!" Huffed the Love Hashira as she proceeds to release another attack.

'Love Breathing: Second Form: Anguish Inducing Love

Another dragon tree uses lightning towards Mitsuri which she deflects with her other form agiledly. 'Sixth Form: Kitty Paw Love Breeze' She swiftly twirling around. Haru quickly jumped towards the Love Hashira when Zohakuten chant his technique.

'Blood Demon Art: Karmic Wood of Avici'

"Calm down, let's focus on our skill to protect innocents" Haru flashes her a soft reassuring smile which Mitsuri return with a wide smile.

'Love Breathing: Fifth Form: Wavering Attachment: Messy Nails'
'Spring Breathing: Second Form: Modified:  Sakura Raging Weather'

Haru managed to deflects the attack but before she could even warn Mitsuri, the love hashira already has her blade warped around Zohakuten's neck.

"Mitsuri-chan! Don't!" Haru fast forward to Mitsuri in attempt to pull her away.

'Maddening Screech!'

Haru uses her body to covers Mitsuri's as she take most of the damage, Looking at the love hashira who have messy hair and ruined uniform. Haru's blood splattered on the pink-haired hashira's face, her minty green eyes widened.

"Mitsuri-chan... thank god, you're okay..." Haru weakly smile as she grabbed onto Zohakuten's wrist when he attempt to punch her, breaking it with tightening her hold before pulling him forward and punch on his gut as she sending him to crashed on a tree.

Haru felt her body getting limp, Genya pulled her onto his chest while the Kamado siblings pulled Mitsuri as they get down to safety.

"Haru, don't use your own body to do something like that again" Genya whispers firmly onto her ears.

"At least our ray of hopes still alive, don't worry about me. Come on! We gotta protect Mitsuri-chan!" Tanjiro nodded at Haru's statement. "Yeah! She's our best shot at beating him! As long as she lives, we can win for sure!"

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