18: Preparing For New Mission

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Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 1738

After the training later, Tanjiro asked if Haru wanted to company him for his daily check-up which the petite girl gladly accepted. Now, Haru found herself sitting beside Tanjiro as Shinobu checking his jaw.

"Okay! Looks like your jaw is as good as new. Alright, you can close your mouth now" Tanjiro did.

"That concludes this exam since you're physically sound now, you may take on your missions without any misgivings, that includes you Haru-chan" Shinobu informed the two teens.

"So we both done with our training?" Tanjiro asked. "Yes, all that is left for you two are actual combats" Shinobu replied happily. "Right" Haru nodded as she just listened.

"Oh, before I forgot, Shinobu-san" Tanjiro started. "There's something I wanted to ask you" He continued. "What would that be?" Shinobu asked the burgundy boy back.

Haru swears she could see a sparkle from Tanjiro. "Have you ever heard of the Hinokami Kagura Dance?" He asked excitedly.

'His face... sparkling' Haru rubs her eyes as she clearly could see his sparkling. "I have not" Shinobu simply said, this shocked Tanjiro as all his sparkling disappeared and he starts making weird faces which amused Haru.

"T-then- How about fire breathing?" He asked again.

This time Shinobu waved her hand and answered. "Never heard of it" Haru could see imaginary lighting blaring in the background. "You see- this is something that happened during my childhood," Tanjiro said as he started to sweats.

"So, for some reason, your father used fire breathing. All I can tell you is that while flame breathing does exist, it's not fire breathing" Shinobu explains. 'Flame breathing...! Rengoku-san's!' Haru immediately thought.

"What? They're not the same thing?" Tanjiro continues to asks. 

"I'm not familiar with the details myself, please forgive me. But I do know that they're very strict about the exact phrasing Flame Breathing must never be referred to as Fire Breathing. The Flame Hashira, Rengoku-san might know something about this, unfortunately- he's out on a mission"

Haru's eyes widened a bit at the mention of Kyojuro. 'He did!? I mean- It's been so long since the last time I've had visit the Rengoku family. His father is scary...

Tanjiro stood up, so did Haru. "Understood! Thank you for all that you've taught me. I'll ask Rengoku-san if I ever get a chance to see him again" Tanjiro bow a bit, showing some gratitude. Haru smiles as she walked away. "Right!" Shinobu smiles.  

"Now then, please excuse us!" Tanjiro started to turn around. "Kamado-Kun" Shinobu called out for him, Haru leaned on the wall beside the door outside and waiting for Tanjiro. "I'm expecting great things from you, along with Haru-chan" She heard Shinobu said, making her feel fuzzy and smile. 

"And Haru-chan, could you ask Yuki-Kun to come here? I'd like to discuss some medicine" Haru peeked a bit. "Sure"

Then Tanjiro walked out, looking at Haru. "Let's go, Haru-chan" He held out his hand for her and she holds his hand as they walked down the hallway together. Not long after they met with Yuki who's glaring at the burgundy boy.

"Who said you're allowed to touch my sister?"

"Who said you're allowed to touch my sister?"

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