41: Water Hashiras and Crow Yokai

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1541

"I never actually passed the final selection" Giyu's monotone voice echoes into the air, Haru and Sabito were hiding away as they quietly listening to Giyu's conversation with Tanjiro.

"Eh? The Final Selection? As in the Mt. Fujikasane one?" Pondered Tanjiro out of curiosity.

"Yes. Back then, there was a boy whose family got killed by demons, just like me. You probably know him now thanks to Haru-chan, but I went to the final selection with that peach-haired boy, Sabito" Said Giyu, Tanjiro's eyes widened.

"We were thirteen back then, we got along right away because we both lost our families and we were of the same age. Sabito has a strong sense of justice and a kind guy as you know, even when he was a boy, he was the one who died in the selection that year"

Haru looks at Sabito, a scowl made its way on his face. He clenched his shaking hands into fists so hard that Haru could see his white knuckles. She knows that Sabito was trying to keep himself from jump in and punch Giyu.

"I am not worthy of becoming the water hashira, I never should've had a place among the demon slayers, I am a human who couldn't beat a single demon and I was bailed out"

Continued Giyu as he turns away from the burgundy boy who starts tearing up.

"Just go take the hashira training that's best for you, I would never get that mark... Maybe Sabito would, ask him to train you"

Tanjiro was trying to prevent Giyu to walk away but a silhouette of peach bluer passed him as Giyu's face was punched by none other than the pissed Sabito.

"You bastard! Are you still moping on and off, saying that you'd better of dying?! Just how many times I've told you to stop that bullshit!! You are worth to be saved, stop being an immature scumbags and man up you spineless fool! I'm alive now so stop being sad, you are not alone! You have me, Haru-chan and that stupid Tanjiro too!"

Sabito gripped on Giyu's collar, his amethyst eyes glaring sharply onto Giyu's deep blue one.

Tanjiro, on the other hand, was sweating mess at the situation, not knowing what to do until he felt a gentle hand patting on his shoulder. Turning around to see Haru flashes him a smile that he always adores.

Giyu touches his bruised cheek, a bit stunned by Sabito's sudden action. Sabito let out an exaggerate sigh. "Don't you have anything to say to Tanjiro?" Sabito let go of him.

Giyu glance at Tanjiro and nodded. "Tanjiro, sorry for the delay, but I'll go train as well-" Tanjiro stopped him with a sparkling determined face. "Giyu-san, Sabito-san, want to have cold soba eating contest with us?"

Giyu and Sabito were dumbfounded by Tanjiro sudden request. 'Why?'

Haru let out a soft giggle at their expressions. "Well, I want to have cold soba, I haven't tried one" She then pushed Giyu to walk forward gently.

"H-Haru-chan-" Giyu was confused but let the younger girl anyway, Haru turn to the other two boys who are following right behind her with a big grin on her face.

Needless to say, they all did have cold soba competition.

Earning an amazing look from other costumers at how quick they finished their food. Haru just eats hers slowly, savoring the flavor of the soba for the first time.

"Young lady, do you like the soba?" Asked the soba owner at the ravenette girl, she smiles brightly. "Yeah, this is my first time eating it!" The girl beamed in reply. "That's why I want to savor this delicious soba"

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