47: Uppermoons: Douma 二

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1299

Yuki flying around the fortress with giant black wings on his back.

'Oyakata-sama, Amane-sama... Ubuyashiki... I'm sorry for not be able to protect you, I'll make sure your sacrifice wouldn't be in vain-

He then suddenly felt Shinobu's aura and a powerful demon. 'Shinobu-chan!' Yuki flew into a room and couldn't believe what he saw.

Shinobu was in the hold of the demon that Yuki very familiar with, the pink-haired male immediately loses his mind. 

What happen next was, Shinobu gone from the hold of the silvery-blonde demon's hold after a blur of black passed his rainbow-colored eyes, looking around and he noticed Yuki under him, holding the bleeding insect Hashira.

"Sorry, I came late..." Yuki muttered then the door flung open as it reveals two person, Yu and Kanao.

"Master!!" The two tsugukos rushes towards their masters. "Yu, go assist other slayers, don't question it and go" Yuki coldly stated as he injects a healing syringe in Shinobu's arm.

"I'll handle this creature with Kanao..."

Yu looked troubled but he obligated and leave the room. "Yuki-kun! Why would you-" "Because I promised your sister, remember?!" The winter Hashira snapped.

"Oya~ Oya~ What's this? A yokai helping humans! Fantastic! But, you look very...familiar!" Douma chuckles as if he's happy. Yuki doesn't say anything, ignoring the demon and walk away to put Shinobu to the safety.

"Yuki-kun! Y-you can't-!" Suddenly a globe made of ice start forming around Shinobu. "Winter Breathing: First Form: Globe of Ice"

Shinobu starts hitting the globe but it wouldn't break much to her dismay.

Douma pouts on the other side of the room. "Hey! It's rude to ignore-" an icicles stabbed into Douma's chest.

"Winter Breathing: Fourth Form: Ice bullets" Yuki's mismatched pink and blue eyes coldly glares at Douma. "I don't care about you as much as you didn't care and left my ex-fiance slowly dying in vain. We've fought before, Douma. The demon who killed Kanae-chan!"

Roared Yuki uncharacteristically to the Upper moon 2.

"Oh, the Flower Breathing girl from before! I really want to eat her! But, I couldn't because of the sun coming up! She was cute-"

Douma was cuts off by Kanao who went in for the attack. "Flower Breathing: Fourth Form: Saf Flower Robe"

She manages to slash the part of Douma's robes. "Kanao-chan! Move away!" Yuki flew towards the girl. "Blood Demon Art: Lotus Ice" Yuki pulls Kanao away as he flutter his wings sending Douma's own attack back to the demon.

"Man, you're using your wings to send back my attack! Impressive!" Douma claps his hands.

"Winter breathing: Second Form: Frostbite" Yuki was suddenly behind Douma, half of the upper moon 2's body was frozen.

"Your attacks and mine are similar, this is exciting!" Douma easily broke off from Yuki's attack when Kanao went for another attack which he dodge. 

'My~ that was close" Douma chuckles, waving Kanao's sword that he was holding. "What a pretty sword" Douma stab it down into the floor.

"Similar techniques? Douma, Douma, Douma, you're nothing else but a fake, faking your happiness, you're just emotionless creature, if you're ice, I'm the fucking winter" Yuki cold statement somehow sent shivers throughout the room.

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