19: The Train Mission

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1733

Haru was away from the boys and petting a stray cat that around the train station, she's a cat lover after all. Then she heard a commotion, turning around to see the guys getting in trouble with the police.

"Not even a minute, they already in trouble..." She shakes her head and walked over to the Kamaboko trio. "You guys, don't make troubles in public. We the Demon Slayers aren't officially recognized by the government! Be careful" Haru starts scolding them.

"She's right, we can't walk around in broad daylight with our swords. They wouldn't believe us even if we explained about the demons, and it would only confuse them" Zenitsu explained. "Even though we're working so hard?" Tanjiro's face dropped into a sad one.

"Well, it can't be helped" Zenitsu sighs. "For now, you three should hide your swords" Haru pointed at the boys. "Eh, What about yours?" Tanjiro asked. "Did you forget that I can use my ability to hide them?" Haru reminded him.

After some bickers, the trains started to move. "Ah! Come on, guys! or we'll get left out!" Haru holds Tanjiro's hand and pulled him along with her to jump on the train then helped the other two.

"Are you alright, Zenitsu-Kun?" Haru asked the blonde boy who nodded back at her in response. Haru smiles, she then looks up at the dark sky. 'I have bad feelings about this, I don't like it. Whatever happens- I, Hanasaki Haru- won't allow anyone to die'

The Kamaboko trio and Haru went into the train in search of the Flame Pillar. Zenitsu was struggling to hold Inosuke in place. "We're in the belly! We're in the belly! Let's take it down!!" Inosuke screamed.

"Shut up!!" Yelled Zenitsu towards the feral slayer before turned his head to Tanjiro.

"This Rengoku guy is a hashira, right? Do you know what he looks like?" The thunder breath user asked. "He got this firey hair, he looks like an owl and he's very loud," Haru said simply, the boys only sweated. "He's very close-"

"Tasty!!" Haru heard a very familiar enthusiastic voice, they went over to the source of it to find Kyojuro eating his bento. "Tasty! Tasty!" He repeated that words over and over, until. "Tasty-" He bit his tongue.

Haru cringes at it a bit before letting out a giggle

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Haru cringes at it a bit before letting out a giggle. However, after a few seconds, the flame hashira continues. "That's the flame hashira?" Zenitsu asked again. "Yep," Tanjiro and Haru deadpanned. "Isn't he just a glutton?" Haru nodded.

"U-uhm- Rengoku-san-" 

"Tasty!" Kyojuro interrupted Tanjiro as he turns his head towards the four. "We already get it, Rengoku-sama" Haru sweatdropped. 

Kyojuro beamed more when he heard the petite girl's voice. "Haru! It's been a while!" He greeted enthusiastically. "Indeed it is, Rengoku-sama" Haru bow a bit politely. "Drop the 'sama', I told you to call me by my first name, Haru"

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