14: Rehabilitation Training

606 19 11

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 2239

The next morning, Haru wakes up early in the morning and quickly went to the Rengoku household. She was jumping from roof to roof and lands right beside Senjuro who's sweeping at the front gate, her sudden appearance startled the poor young Rengoku.

"S-sorry, Sen-Kun- For startling you" Haru sweated apologetically towards Senjuro.

"I-it's fine, Haru-san" He smiles at her reassuringly then noticed the familiar cape she was holding. "I-is that?" Haru nodded and neatly folded it. 

"Yes, this is your brother's... I come here to give it back and thanked him for lending it to me...-"

The gate opened as the eldest son of Rengoku walked out with his hair down. 

Haru was staring at him, blinking as Kyojuro staring at her too

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Haru was staring at him, blinking as Kyojuro staring at her too. Haru shakes her head. 

"Good morning, Rengoku-sama! I'm here to give you back your cape" Haru quickly give the cape back to the flame hashira. 

"Umu! What a good blessing to meet you here, Hanasaki! I was about to go to the Butterfly Estate to take this along went to the headquarters, but since you here then let me-" 

His booming voice was cut off by a rather firm voice of Sabito's. "There's no need"

Haru flinched and turned around, she met with Sabito's lavender eyes.

"S-Sabito-Kun, G-good morning" Haru smiled nervously at the peach-haired male who sharpening his eyes at her

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"S-Sabito-Kun, G-good morning" Haru smiled nervously at the peach-haired male who sharpening his eyes at her. "Which part of 'Staying in bed' you don't understand, Haru?" Haru sweated even more.

"Well that's doesn't matter- now," Sabito picked her up in bridal style. "S-Sabito- what are you- " Haru gripped on Sabito's white haori. 

"You shouldn't be walking around when you still have broken bones, you also not wearing sandals- Geez, what are you? An idiot?" Sabito lightly scolded her. "I guess I am right, you are a clumsy idiot"

Haru ticked off by it as she pouted, Sabito ignored her and turn his head towards Kyojuro.

"Well then, I'll be taking her back to the butterfly estate for rehabilitation training. I hope you have a good day, Rengoku-san" Sabito pull a forced smile.

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