39: Aftermath

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 605

A day has passed after the incident and everyone now healing in the butterfly estate, Tanjiro still knocked out cold while a certain ravenette girl locked herself up in her room.

"Haru, it's time for lunch..." Yuki knocked, worried about his sister. "I'm not hungry... just leave me be..." replied Haru's soft voice from the other side of the room. Yuki looks at the three butterfly girls and sighed in defeat.

Day 2, Rengoku's siblings decided to pay a visit but...

"Sorry, I need alone time right now... Please..." Haru closes the door, leaving Senjuro and Kyojuro standing there worried for her condition.

Day 3, Kanao and Aoi try to get the petite girl out of her room but failed miserably, with Haru continuously refusing to go out or eating, they can't help it but worried and this go on till the seventh day after the incident. 

Haru's burned back was healed completely without any trace, now she was sitting on her bed while staring dully out of the window.

She then heard a knock. "If it's about food, I don't need any..." The girl stated monotonously, continued to stares out of the window. "H-Haru-san, Tanjiro-san want to meet you..." Sumi's little voice replied, Haru let out a sigh.

She went to open the door, revealing her messy long hair, expressionless pale face and bandaged body. Haru walks pass Sumi timid form as she went towards Tanjiro's room.

She then bumped into none of the other than Haganezuka. "Sorry..." She muttered and walk passed him, not noticing the worry stares from the swordsmith. 'What the hell happened to her...?' He thought before walk away.

When she gets closer to the burgundy boy's room, she starts hearing voices. "I only heard about him, but he's pretty intense" Haru rise her brow in confusion. "Actuallt Haganezuka-san was pretty mild today. It looked like he was in pain"

Stated Tanjiro casually. Goto, the kakushi, sweatdropped at him, then Haru heard Genya's voice.

"You people have been blabbing on and on for a while there" He said in annoyance. "Oh, sorry. Genya-" A knock cut Tanjiro off, catching their attention.

"Oh, Haru! How are you..." The burgundy boy trailed off as he sniffs off the guilt and sadness scents from Haru who standing there, looking at them with dull eyes and dark circles around it which Tanjiro noticed.

Instead of her usual warm and cheerful aura, Haru gave off a cold one causing the boy frown a bit. Haru walked in as she take the seat on the chair Goto had offered her to sit on.

"Haru..." Tanjiro called her, worry lacing in his voice. Haru bit her lips as she forced a smile. "I'm fine, Tanji" She lied, both Genya and Tanjiro knows it, they could senses it.

Tanjiro give her a genuine soft smile and pat her raven-lock gently. "Haru, whatever guilty feeling you've been blaming yourself onto now, it's not your fault, it's okay..." He kindly stated, Haru had her bang covering her face but Tanjiro could see tears dripping onto her laps.

"I-I couldn't't use it, my abilities are limited a-and I should've-... I'm sorry that I'm useless-"

Tanjiro stopped her by pulling her into a warm hug. "You are not useless! You even risk your own life to saved others! I've seen your countless scars! You already tried your best! Don't ever blame yourself!"

Tanjiro seriously stated to her, the coldness she felt for the past week already disappears as it was replaced by warm feeling, but the moment got ruined by Inosuke who jumped in and broke a window. "Stronger!!! We're gonna have a hard training!!!"

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