13: The Rengoku Siblings

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Warning| ⚠Short Chapter
Words| 909

Haru now left alone in a room, she's wearing the butterfly estate patient's clothes while her uniform was getting fixed by Yuki. Sabito was prohibited by Yuki from going in her room but soon leave to meet and talk with Giyu.

Haru looked at the bandages that all over her body as she watched the sky turned into an orange-ish hue of the evening sky.

"A walk wouldn't be hurt..." Haru get out of her bed and walked out into the corridor of Butterfly Estate.

She didn't realize that she was outside of the estate until she felt her feet touch the cold grass. "Ah..." She stares on the ground before looking up onto the night sky. "I knew it... no matter how much I stay up and slaying demons at night time, I still hate it at the same time"

She'd sighed and continue to walk.

"Am I- that similar to demons, mom?" She muttered, she then saw a bench under a side lamp shining on it. Smiling softly as she takes a seat on it, sighing to herself. "Hahh... This time of the night, this silence... I despised it, but why... why I can't feel anger?"

Haru's light blue orbs start to get glossy as tears falling onto her laps. "It's so lonely... It's always so lonely for me, the night they burnt you down, even after I slaughter them all... I can't help it but feel lonely" She gritted her teeth.

'Live a long life, protect the weak, never forgive the unforgivable, stand tall, Haru

Haru jolted a bit when she heard her mother's voice, her eyes widened before went back to soft. "I promise, Mom" she clenched her hands into fists.

"Onee-san, Are you okay?" a soft voice suddenly pipes up, causing Haru to yelped and fall over the bench she was sitting on. "Kyaa!! Ouch-" Haru groaned a bit and looked over to see a familiar fiery golden-red tipped hair and golden-red orbs, but the expression held worries.

Haru blinked. "Rengoku... Kyojuro-sama?" Haru tilted her head.

The boy started to get into a stuttering mess. "A-ah! N-no! I'm not my brother- Uh- I-I'm his little brother..." The boy said shyly with blush dusting on both of his cheeks.

'K-kawaii...' Haru giggles a bit as she wept her tears. "Ah- Sorry, You just look exactly like him, but more small and cute version- I'm Hanasaki Haru, call me Haru" she stood up as she beamed at the boy.

"I-I'm Rengoku Senjuro," Senjuro said timidly. "Thank you for asking about my well being despite being a stranger, Senjuro-Kun! But, why are you out here alone at night? It's dangerous you know" Haru raised her eyebrow. 

"And I'm not talking about demons, humans can be dangerous too" She continued, a bit serious.

"I-I'm just buying ingredients for... dinner" Senjuro mumbled, hugging the two big paper bags that full of sweet potatoes. Haru noticed that he tried to keep it from falling. "Can I help, Sen-Kun?"

Haru pointed at the bags, Senjuro jolted at the sudden request. "A-ah, I-it's okay-" Senjuro stopped himself when he saw the petite girl's eyes. He could see the loneliness and pain inside it, he pulled out a soft smile and nodded.

He let her carry one of the bags as they both start to walks towards the Rengoku Household.

"Thank you for helping me, Hanasaki-san" Haru just give him a closed-eyes smile. 

"It's fine, I got bored from getting bedridden because of broken bones and wounds that I got from my last fight, I went outside to clear my head a bit" Senjuro looked at her with wide eyes, Haru senses his worries and quickly says.

"It's bound to happen, I'm a demon slayer after all! As long as I can save the life of innocents, I'm okay with putting myself on the line" Haru grinned. "Also, please call me Haru" she added then pat his fluffy hair.

Senjuro blushed at the small gesture, the two didn't notice that they both are already in front of the entrance of Rengoku Household.

"Senjuro? and Hanasaki Haru?" A familiar booming voice makes the two turned their head to see none other than the Flame Hashira himself. "Brother! Why are you out here?" Senjuro blinked.

"I was getting worried since you being late than usual! Did something happened?" Kyojuro asked as he shifted his eyes towards Haru who avoided eye contact. "N-nothing happened, Brother... I just talking with Haru-san a bit then she offered some help and walked me home"

Senjuro explained as he takes the paper bag from Haru.

"You must be hungry, brother- Then I should prepare dinner, and thank you for the help, Haru-san" Senjuro smile towards the girl which she returned with one as well.

"It's no problem, Sen-Kun!" She waved at the retreating form of the younger Rengoku.

"...." Haru still felt Kyojuro's gaze on her as she nervously gulped. "W-well, I should go back to Butterfly Estate-" Before she could even finish, she was pulled into a warm hug. "Umu! Thank you for helping my brother!"

Kyojuro enthusiastically said and Haru was stunned by the sudden action, he let go of the petite girl and proceed to takes off his firey cape then put it over Haru's head. "As a thank you, you can use this to hold on while you cry, so you won't feel lonely"

The two looked at each other, unaware of a certain fox watching them from afar.

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