5: Kamaboko Trio and The Duo

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Warning| ⚠Long Chapter⚠
Words| 2457

Sabito holds Haru tightly and running towards the source of the shouting. Once they get there, they saw Tanjiro get in a fight with a boar masked boy.

"Sabito!! Do something!" Haru screamed at the peach haired male. "No, if I got hurt, you get it too- not going to be- Haru!! Hey!"

Sabito tried to stop the girl who's running at full speed towards the boar guy. "Haru! you have broken-"

It was too late, The raven-haired girl gives the boar mask a round kick straight on his head. Sending him flying against a tree.

"H-Haru-san?!" Tanjiro look at her, slightly amaze and stunned by her sudden appearance. "What are you doing? Getting in a fight with fellow slayers? That's against the corps rules" Haru coldly said at the burgundy boy, a dark aura was emitting from her.

Before Tanjiro could say anything, the boar boy zooming towards her. Haru swiftly dodging it by jumping up and stupidly landing on her broken left foot, causing her to fall down on the ground. The boar mask was about to throw a punch on her but Tanjiro spun him around and fight him.

Sabito went to Haru, start to scolding her but Haru ignores him as her blue orbs met with amber ones.

A familiar-looking boy with blonde to orange hair, wearing a yellow with triangle patterns, and what caught her attention is the boy holding the box with Nezuko inside in a protective manner.

"Sabito- could you please put me near that boy? I want to talk to him..." Sabito glance at her before sighing and went towards the blonde male, causing the bruised up boy to look over them. 

Sabito put her down beside the blonde. "Hey, you look so beaten up- you were protecting this box right?" She softly asked with a smile, causing the blonde to blush and nodded.

He wasn't expecting a girl would talk to him with a kind smile on her face.

"Thank you for doing that! Ah, this might be weird, isn't it? Well, let me introduce yourself! I'm Hanasaki Haru, Haru is fine.

I'm Tanjiro's friend" She introduced herself, The blonde boy finally noticed something. "Y-you're one of the survivors in the Final Selection! The one who was standing beside me!" Haru let out small giggles. "Yes"

"I-i'm Agatsuma Zenit-"

"You need to calm down!!" Haru looked over to Tanjiro who slammed his forehead down to the boar's mask.

They could hear a sickening crack from it, Sabito and Haru cringed at the sound as they sweatdropped while the blonde let out a shriek.

"Eck!!!! That sound! Are your skull fractured!?"

They watch the masked boy wobbly steps backward and his mask falls down to reveal a black hair with blue tips, big emerald eyes, and fluffy eyelashes. 

"Are you kidding me..." Sabito muttered, dumbfounded by the appearance. "Huh?! A girl?! Hah!! Your face!!"

Haru blushed at the sight, dazed a bit. "What the hell?" The boy lifted his head up to reveal his bleeding girly face. "You've got a problem with my face or something?!" He looked at them with wide eyes and a big grin.

"You're one creepy guy, you know that?" Both Sabito and the blonde said in synch. "You've got ripped body, but there's a girl face sitting on top of it" 

The blonde continues. "Why the hell are you staring at my face like that?" The pretty face gi- boy glares at the blonde, causing him to scramble away and hide behind a little girl. "N-nothing!"

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