40: Hashira Training I: Cold and Hot

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Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 1931

Cold. Haru could felt her body going to numb and shatters like glass as she continues her sparring with the Winter Hashira, Natsura Yuki. Haru barely managed to dodge and block Yuki's wooden sword, a puff of air forming from Haru's lips as she pants in exhaustion.

It's been a week ever since the hashira training happens and it's been three days ever since her training with Yuki after passing Uzui's training in just a day.

Back to the present,

"Getting dull, aren't you?" Yuki chuckles at his sister, Haru merely let out a small chuckle then smirked. "Shut up, just be happy that I didn't use my abilities, Nii-san"

Haru then crouches down at the moment Yuki swings his sword and tripped him down, pointing her sword on his neck. "I've won" She grinned.

"No way, she manages to defeat him..."

"I heard that they're sibling... so he probably has gone easy to her"

"Damn, unfair"

Murmurs start spreading around the training dojo, until a loud noise a block of ice getting shatters into pieces was heard.

"Pathetic shitheads, if you still have energy to talk about shits then use that damn energy to shut up and continue your training" Yu coldly glares at the slayers, everyone went silent.

Yuki breaks it by clapping his hands together. "Well then, Haru, you passed this training. You may proceed to your next one, Good luck" Yuki pats Haru's black-locks and dismissed her, then turns to the slayers with a cold expression displaying on his face.

 You may proceed to your next one, Good luck" Yuki pats Haru's black-locks and dismissed her, then turns to the slayers with a cold expression displaying on his face

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"For you, you useless fucks. Get up and do another round of ice bath then have spar with me"

Haru sweatdropped before made her way out of the cold winter dojo. "Uwah! His estate are cold as winter itself, no wonder he's called as Winter Hashira! Hm... What and Who will be my next training?"

The petite girl pondered and excited for her next training, her imagination starts to wanders in her mind as she start seeing an owl in front of her.

'Owl... with fire like feathers, what a rare- wait-!!!' Haru mentally punched herself on the gut and realized that. 'It's not an owl! It's Kyo-kun!' She facepalmed, embarrassed at herself.

Kyojuro senses Haru's aura as he turns around to her after giving one last blow on one of the slayer. He saw her flustered face as a beaming smile made its way on his face. "Haru! Are you here for the training?" He asked the girl when she walks towards him.

"Y-yeah?" Haru replied in an unsure tone as she noticed a pile of knocked out slayers behind him.

"Umu! Your training will be starts tomorrow! Just take your rest for now!"

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