9: Breaking the Rules

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Warning| Short Chapter I guess
Words| 1248

The cage of threads getting closer towards the two teens, Haru tried to use her chains to hold it off but at this point, she's all bleed out from the cuts that caused by her chains breaking apart. "Sorry... Tanjiro-Kun" she muttered tiredly.

Then the threads got sliced with ease, Haru felt droplets of water on her face. "Sabito...?" was the person she thought of. However, she could felt the person tensed.

Looking up she saw a guy with mismatched haori. 'One side was similar to what Sabito wore when I met him for the first time... ah... he must be...' Haru smile a bit. "Tomioka Giyu-san?"

At the mention of his name along with the familiar name, Giyu glanced at Haru's direction. His sapphire eyes met her half-ling ones then he looked back towards Rui. "You did a good job holding out until I got here, leave the rest to me"

Haru blink, her eyes turned back as normal and she continues to pull herself and Tanjiro towards Nezuko. His wine-red eyes stare at the pained expression on Haru's face, she gritted her teeth as she finally uses her last boost to let Tanjiro holds on his sister.

'Haru-san... why you keep risking your life for me and now Nezuko...? Back at Final Selection up till now...' Tanjiro thought, Haru let herself lay on the ground near the siblings. Catching her breath exhaustedly.

"Haru-san..." She turned her head towards the worried Tanjiro, she gives him a reassurance smile.

Sabito watched from behind a tree as Giyu perform his breathing.

"Total Concentration: Water Breathing: Eleventh Form" Sabito's lavender eyes widened. "Dead Calm" Sabito smirked as Giyu finished his breathing. 'He really has grown huh... but that won't stop me to give him a punch later' He thought.

All the threads that Rui sent towards Giyu were sliced as none of it manage to hit Giyu.

The water pillar walk over Rui and sliced his neck like it was nothing, Sabito's lavender eyes met with Haru's icy blue ones. She put her finger on his lips, signaling him to stay still.

Haru's eyes shifted towards Giyu and Rui's headless body that walking towards the Kamado sibling and fall near them, Tanjiro put his hand on the back of Rui's body as it burnt into ashes.

Giyu stepped on Rui's kimono causing Haru to frown. 

"Don't waste any sympathy on a demon that devoured humans. It doesn't matter if it looks like a child. It's still a hideous monster that's lived for decades" Giyu monotonously said.

Tanjiro looks at him firmly. "To avenge the people who were killed, to make sure there are no more victims-" Haru's cut him off. 

"Of course, we'll bring our blade down on any demon's neck without mercy! But as for those who being a demon meant despair, those who regretted their own actions- we would never trample over them" 

Haru glares at the water pillar. "Because demons were once human, too!" Tanjiro and Haru said in synch. 

"Just like us! They were human too! So please, step off him! They are not hideous monsters at all! Demons are hopeless creatures! They are tragic creatures!" Tanjiro gritted his teeth as he continues.

Giyu turned to Haru as she still glares at him. "Aren't you a demon?" He asked. "I'm not a goddamn demon! How much more I have to repeat that?!" Haru whined, huffing. "And you- how did you know my name? and Sabito's...?"

Haru didn't say anything, just smiling at him.

Giyu's eyes trailed down to the sibling as he recognized them. Haru suddenly summoned her sword as she felt an aura that coming towards them and her swords along with Giyu's blocking an incoming attack.

Haru watched as a girl with a butterfly pin and haori clashed swords before jumping and land gracefully on the ground.

"Oh my~ Why would you get in my way, Tomioka-san?" a soft voice said. Haru then recognized her as Yuki's long time crush, since he would always show her some pictures of the girl. 'Don't tell me... this is the Insect Pillar... Kocho Shinobu? Your long time crush?! Yuki, her aura- she's scary!!'

Haru sweated, gulping nervously.

"After telling me that we could never be friends with demons, how should I put this? That's exactly why no one likes you, you know" Shinobu smiled. 'Nii-chan... is she really the girl you fall in love with?' Haru glanced at Shinobu then at Giyu. 'She's wrong at no one liking Tomioka-san, I mean his knight in shining armor aka Sabito will be with him soon anyway..-!'

Haru's train of thought was snapped by Tanjiro suddenly pulling her with Him carrying Nezuko. "S-sorry, Haru-san! But that girl mistook you as a demon and try to kill you!" Tanjiro holds her hand tighter. Haru nodded, they keep running. 

Until someone stepped onto Tanjiro's back, causing him to let go of Haru and Nezuko. Haru was on top of Nezuko, she saw a shadow hovering her. Looking up to see a sword about to cut through her.

The girl's cape was pulled down by Tanjiro, Haru and Nezuko get up. 

"Run, Haru-san! Nezuko!" Tanjiro screamed. "Run! Make a run for it! Don't get caught no matter what! Hurry-" Haru watched him getting knocked out.

Nezuko started dragging the older girl and runs, but Haru pulls her hand away from Nezuko's. "Run! I'll hold her off!" Haru clashed her sword against the girl's one. "Just run! Don't look back!"

Both girls sparring in an intense fight, but due to her injuries and fatigue. Haru let her guard down causing her to get kicked against a tree, knocking her out. 'Ne..zuko... chan...'

The girl walked over to the unconscious raven-haired girl but a voice stopped her. "Kanao-chan, I'll take care of her- You can chase after the other demon" 'Kanao' turned to her side to see none other than a familiar pink-haired male, Yuki. 

He has a soft smile on his face, Kanao nodded and left to chase after Nezuko.

Sabito jumped down from a tree and land beside Yuki who crouching near Haru. "Haru!" He pulled her into a hug, then look at Sabito with teary eyes. "I thought I told you to protect her! ah!!! This is why I never trusted any guys!!! You, you- ahhh!!" 

Sabito only looks at him, sweatdropped. "Well, Haru was the one who disappears so suddenly and telling me to split up- Sorry" Yuki continue to whined then a crow stopped him.

"Caw! Caw! I have a message from headquarters! Tanjiro, Haru, and Nezuko are to be taken into custody and brought back to headquarters!"

Yuki let out a sigh. "I knew it... I know this is going to happen... Oyakata-sama really wants to put her on a trial so the pillars won't hurt her... but still it's gonna be hard for her..." Yuki gently lay the unconscious girl down.

"Let the kakushi take her, Sabito- you will be coming with me and you are going to be a living proof for Haru's trial. And remember, don't do anything stupid in front of the Hashiras" Yuki warned, Sabito rolled his eyes.

"I'm 21 years old and don't need 18 years old kid to tell me what to do, but why is she put in a trial?" Sabito asked. "Mostly because of her half-ling abilities, don't worry about it- Oyakata-sama is the nicest person I know, Let's go"

With that the two males walked away, leaving Haru.

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