36: Hatengu

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 2169

"Haru and I'll take the one behind!" Tanjiro nodded at Haru, but as soon as they both went to attack, a gush of strong wind blow them away. One of the demon who was holding a flesh fan or a maple leaf, holds Haru captives before her body got blown away.

"Haru-chan! Nezuko! Tokito-Kun!" Tanjiro screamed in worries, his face went darkened at the sight of the ravenette slayer was struggling to get out of the demon's grasps.

"Hahaha!!" Laughed the demon as if the situation was a fun game.

"You're having fun, just took the little bean and threw it all the way out, oh look at this too! We got ourselves little Ms. Half-ling! He would be happy, right Sekido?" It gripped Haru tightly, prevent her to getting away.

"There's nothing fun about this. I just feel pissed off at everything. Same goes for being stuck with you, Sekido" Growled 'Sekido' at his happy other-self.

"O-kay~ then good thing that we're apart now-" Haru stomped on Karaku's foot only to get hold by her neck. "Now now, sweetheart~ That's called cheating" He smirked at her not long after, electricity shots throughout her body.

"A-ack-!!!" Haru gritted her teeth, all of sudden gunshot was heard and both of the demons' heads were severed. Haru's body was dropped onto the floor, she was confused by the sounds of bullets being shots.

It wasn't hers, glancing around as she caught the sight of Genya on the roof. She smile in relief as she notice the gun that slightly bigger than hers on his hand.

'Oh, is that why...?'

"Oh dude! This is fun! I've never felt that one before" Karaku chuckles as he complimenting Genya, the mohawk male only went to charge towards Karaku. "Don't! If you do that, they'll just going to-"

It was too late, Genya already cuts the heads off as they re-regenerates to be four demons. Haru stood up, lifting her sword to slashed towards the demon before Genya pushed her aside, resulting him getting stabbed by a spear.

"You are depressingly weak" It says in pity tone.

Haru let out a low growl as she went against Sekido while Nezuko handling Karaku, sword clashing against a staff, holding it as Haru point her gun on his head.

"Spring breathing: first form: Wisteria seeds"

Before the bullet could even pierced into his head, Sekido barely dodged as it grazed his cheek a bit then kicked the petite girl down.

"Kakaka! Keep it up girl! Just a little more!" Karaku laughed mockingly at Nezuko who's struggling. "Kakaka! What's wrong?"

"Stop laughing, you sounds like bird" Haru snarled annoyed at Karaku's laugh.

"Just tear her apart already, you're pissing me off here. We gotta hurry to bring this half-ling to him" Grumbles Sekido, getting more pissed at Karaku as he stepped on Haru's chest harshly.

"Hands off! This girl is mine! You and Aizetsu can screw off!" Screamed Karaku in excitement.

Again, Haru use the chance to shoot towards Sekido's head. "Die, bitch" Haru pulled the trigger at the same time as Genya, straight towards their heads. She dashed towards Genya as Aizetsu pulled his spear out.

"Genya!" Haru hold onto his shoulders, his blood splurted onto her uniform, tainting it red.

"Not dying immediately is quite pitiful" Haru snapped her head, glaring at Aizetsu. She suddenly already on mid-air near Aizetsu but instead of attacking him, she use his body to give her a boost to jump towards Karaku and cuts off his arms.

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