7: Mountain Natagumo

537 18 8

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 2109

Haru stood beside the boys excitedly, Tanjiro turned around. "We're heading out now, thank you for everything" They all bow as the sign of gratitude except Inosuke.

The elderly woman, known as Hisa bow back before pulling out a 'Good luck' flint. "Now then, for good luck"

They all turned their back while Inosuke watches Hisa making some sparks, somehow triggering the boar mask.

"What do you think you're doing, old hag!?" Tanjiro and Sabito hold him off while Zenitsu protects Hisa.

Haru watched the scene, sweatdropping.

"What are you a moron!?" Zenitsu screamed making Inosuke struggles even more. Haru turned to Hisa.

"I apologize for the childish behavior of my friend" Haru bow apologetically. "It's okay, My dear. I pray for your safety" Haru smiled at her, the bickering stopped.

"Haru-san, Let's go" Tanjiro called her and she nodded in response.

"Always live your lives with pride, I wish you luck in your battles"

Haru's eyes widened a bit before softened.

And they start their journey towards their mission, Haru already far ahead from the boys- thanks to her agility and half-ling speed.

"Haru-chan really fast!!" Exclaim Zenitsu.

Meanwhile, Haru was deep in thought. 

'I don't know how long I can control my abilities properly, I don't even know if the night before really happened because of overuse... I don't see any chains... Whatever- right now I should be careful since Zenitsu and Inosuke around... but I think they already know...'

She sighed, didn't notice that Tanjiro catching up towards her along with Sabito.

"Haru-san!" Tanjiro called her, looking back she met with the beaming burgundy boy which she returned with a girn.

'I swear- he could kill a demon with that smile- it's so damn bright' Haru look behind to see Zenitsu and Inosuke catching up too.

"Oi! Tanjiro! Sabito! Don't take Haru!! She's my soon-to-be wife!" Haru giggled as she sped up once more, leaving the boys behind.

"You- Say that again- I'll turn you into french fries," Sabito said darkly at the blonde, causing him to flinch in fear.

Tanjiro look at the spring breather, earlier he picked up a worry scent from her and his mind replaying to the other night before.

"Haru-chan, she's really not a human is she?" Zenitsu suddenly asked, startling both Sabito and Tanjiro. "She let out a unique sound, almost like a human but a bit disoriented and lighter" Zenitsu continued.

"You can tell, huh? Whatever just keep it to yourself about her, the more people know- the more danger she'll be in" Sabito warned.

"Hmph! Whatever! I can protect her and Nezuko-chan!" Zenitsu happily declared. "Haru already have me to protect her" Sabito smirked at Zenitsu. "Huh?! Are you guys dating?!" Zenitsu whined with teary eyes.

"...." Sabito gives a long pause before smiling cheekily. "Yes-" Tanjiro cut him off. "Sabito-san, I could smell lies coming from you" He smiled beamingly.

The sun starts to set and the day turned dark as the five of them getting closer to their destination.

"Hold up!" Zenitsu suddenly said. "Would you mind waiting a second?!" He screamed. Haru tilted her head.

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