34: Sword within the Doll and Genya

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1467

In front of her, lay the broken 'Yorichi' doll. Kotetsu immediately went to inspect the doll. Haru was standing there frozen, a bloody image of the same burgundy haired male started flashing in her mind.

 Haru was standing there frozen, a bloody image of the same burgundy haired male started flashing in her mind

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"Run... Haru..."

Her body started to shake out of fear as the bloody images keep flashing and burning into her mind. Droplets of rain start soaking her small frame, her bang covering her lifeless eyes as she stared down to the ground.

Haru snapped back when she felt something covering her from the rain. Turning her head around to see Tanjiro who smiles gently at her while making sure his haori keep her from getting more soaked by the rain.

The gentleness on his eyes brought her eyes back to life as she returned the smile.

Tanjiro went to Kotetsu who just standing beside the laying 'Yorichi' doll, try to comfort him by putting a hand on the younger boy's shoulder.

"Kotetsu-Kun- let's just make sure that it might still be able to move" Said Tanjiro, then the two pulled and steady up the doll. Yet it's not moving, Haru shakes her head and went to them.

"Not moving... so I guess it..."

Haru subconsciously put her hand on one of the doll's hands, all of sudden a spark of a lightning jolt from her hand as soon as she touched the doll causing Haru to yelped and jump away behind Tanjiro.

The doll started to move to their surprises. "Yes! It's moving, Kotetsu-Kun! Good for..." Tanjiro trailed off when he realized that Kotetsu has been quiet, until. "It is, Tanjiro-san... now train, both of you"

Haru tilted her head as Kotetsu continues to talk with angry yet excitement tone, the sky started to clear up as it stopped raining.

"Please become stronger than that shitty indifferent jerk! I'll help both of you with all I've got!" Tanjiro started to sweat unsurely.

Kotetsu turned to the burgundy boy.

"Tanjiro-san, please become stronger and say this to him, 'That's all you got, you piece of crap?' 'Your hair's too long, cut it. Kelphead' 'Runt, clumsy pegleg. Slice your belly open, shameless punk'"

Haru's existence seems to start to turn into stone when Kotetsu keeps saying insults. Her face turns into horrid as the ten years old boy continues, the same as Tanjiro's face.

"Uh- Kotetsu-Kun! That's too..." -Tanjiro

"Is it better to sliced his head off and hang it from the prison gate?"- Kotetsu

"No, it's not! I can't say that!" Tanjiro firmly refused and they both still bickering about it. Meanwhile, in the background...

Haru still stayed froze. 'My... god... who the hell teaching their young ones with that kind of words!?'

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