6: Wisteria Family Crest

582 18 5

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 1980

Sabito looks over his shoulder to see Haru still sleeping. "She must be really tired," Tanjiro said while looking at her, Sabito nodded at him then look ahead.

"Is that... Wisteria family crest?" Tanjiro shifted his attention to his crow that sitting on his palm. The crow starts cawking.

"Rest time! Rest time! Since you've sustained injuries, you're to rest until you're fully recovered!" Everyone looks at it. "Eh?" Tanjiro blinked.

"You sure it's okay to rest? I just fought a demon while injured, you know" Sabito sweatdropped when Tanjiro said that. 

"Kekeke..." is all the crow said. "Kekeke...?" Both Tanjiro and Sabito deadpanned while Inosuke grabs onto the crow's feather.

"Let's eat this thing," He said, causing the poor crow to stiffen and sweated.

 Then the door creaked open and reveal an elderly woman. "Yes?" She looked at the four boys and one unconscious girl. 

"A-ah- Sorry to bother you so late at night"  Tanjiro spoke up while Zenitsu shaking in fear as he hitched.

"A monster! It's a monster!" Zenitsu shrieked, Sabito smacked his head. "Hey! It's rude!" Both the burgundy and peach-haired male scolded the blonde. 

"Who the hell are you?!" Inosuke took steps forward towards the elderly, Tanjiro notice this while Sabito still scolding Zenitsu. "I see you're a demon slayer"

The elderly woman bow, Inosuke then pokes her hair. "You look pretty weak" Tanjiro quickly went to him.

"Hey!" Haru starts to stir awake as she heard the elderly woman voice. "Come in" 

Sabito felt her shifted. "Oh, you awake?" He glances at her, Haru nodded as she procced to get off of his back.

"O-oi" Sabito try to keep her in place but she already ran up towards the trio, the peach haired male looked at her. Shaking his head before catching up to them.

"The wisteria family huh? This is big..." She said, admiring the place, her eyes twinkling in excitement. Skipping over to Zenitsu who mumbling some stuff. "That old lady sure walk fast" Haru shrugged at it.

"This is where you boys will be staying, while the girl will be staying right in this room besides them"

Haru tensed a bit before nodding, as much as she hates being alone- she can't just request to rest with the boys. It's unladylike.

The caretaker gives her a change of yukata which Haru took it gladly. "I-is there a bath that I can use?" The caretaker smile towards the girl as she told her the direction.

Haru thanked her before she went to the bath. 'My body... Dammit- I could feel it breaking apart' She groaned.

Once she's done bathing and changing, she realized something. She didn't bring extra bandages to cover her chest. 'Crap-'

She facepalmed, she always uses it to make herself look flat since she is uncomfortable with her own chests.

"I guess I have to deal with this for now..." She grumbled and went to her room.

Sabito walked out of the bath and saw her walking away. 'Haru?'


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