45: Zenitsu-Kaigaku

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 2202

Haru walked towards the direction Zenitsu goes and her heart started to feeling off as she heard some sobs and sniffling. Without a second thought, Haru rushes to the crying blonde, pulling him into a warm-comforting hug.

The sudden action surprised the blonde male as he flinch at the contact before relaxing once he notice the petite form of Haru's.

"H-Haru-chan...?" murmur Zenitsu. "Shhh- Just let it out, no one's around except us..." The girl softly said, caressing Zenitsu's back as she felt his tears fall on her shoulder. "M-My mentor... He..." Zenitsu started.

"G-grandpa... he committed seppuku... because another successor of thunder breathing turned into a demon by will..."

Haru just listens quietly, a bit unsure."I used to respect him, my senior...  Kaigaku... but now- I just need to get stronger... Even stronger so one day. I'll be able to avenge Grandpa and defeated Kaigaku"

Zenitsu pulled away from the girl, one hand firmly gripped on her shoulder as he wipes his tears away, he looked at her with an uncharacteristically serious and determined face which caught her off guard. 

"Thank you for being here with me, now I promised that I'll be stronger and stop being a crybaby" 

Haru flashes him a small smile as she gently ruffle his hair, not long after a crow fly towards Haru. "Caw! Caw! Mission! Hanasaki Haru! Patrol at the north! the north!" It informed loudly, Zenitsu let go of her shoulder and says. 

"Haru-chan, if you encounter with Kaigaku... Can you not kill him? I... wanted to be the one..." 

The ravenette girl nodded in understatement, with one last smile. Haru already made her way to her destination she was assigned to. 'An entire village was wiped out, in single night... I hope there are some survivors left...'

She manages to arrived in front of the newly broke down village, she was greeted with nothing but a cold night.

She shivered at the coldness and started searching around for survivors by checking some houses only found corpses scattered around, she grimace as the scenes reminded her of her own past.

Until a blood curdling scream snapped her back, she immediately went towards the source and saw two figures.

Small little girl fallen on the ground while seemingly a demon towering her shaking figure, Haru summoned her sword and get in between them, blocking a sword with black lightning mark engraved on the blade. 

"What the-" Before the demon could even attack back, Haru already had her gun point towards his forehead causing him to jumps away to dodge it. "-fuck?!" The demon was about to attack but Haru was nowhere to be found along with the small girl.

Meanwhile, Haru was hiding somewhere with the injured little girl. "Shhh, be quiet" Haru gently glide her sword across the wound. "Spring Breathing: Fourth form: Breeze of Cantella"

She then use her handkerchief to patch it up.

"Listen carefully, I have this small knife. Take this and follow my crow, It'll lead you to the nearest village, I'll distract the demon- run away. Don't look back, okay?" Haru carefully explains and hands over the small blade to the girl.

"Playing hide and seek, huh?! Coward! Come out here and fight me! Be honored to even be able fight against me! The uppermoon 6!" Haru heard the demon screamed, she narrowed her eyes to the side.

'Uppermoon 6? So those siblings got replaced already huh?'

The ravenette girl stood up, the little girl flinched as her small hands shakingly grasps on Haru's sleeve. The young slayer turn around and smile reassuringly. "Everything will be okay, once I distract him, make a run for it"

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