42: Hashira Training II: Water and Mist

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1497

"Come on Haru! Faster! Swing your sword faster! Cut those bamboos in one swing! Move your feet! No stopping!" Sabito screamed at the sweating girl, Haru pace up her speed only to slip over the floor, causing her to fall and hit her head against the hard floor with a loud terrifying thud.

"Haru!!" Both Water Hashiras running towards her as the girl starts to get up. "I'm fine" She turns to face the two, with blood dripping from her forehead. "'Fine' my ass! You're bleeding!" Sabito frantically holds the girl's shoulders. 

Haru smiles at them brightly with blood still dripping down. "Don't give me that smile, dumbass!! Let's get you to the butterfly estate!!" Sabito carries the petite girl bridal style, rushing out from the water estate with Giyu close behind them.

"God! Why you have to be so clumsy!?" 

Haru, on other hand, she was just chilling and confused. 'Why these two got so worked up? The wound is not even deep?

At the Butterfly estate,

A certain Insect Hashira and Winter Hashira were discussing for plan with Two demons, Tamayo and Yushiro. 

"How about we mix Haru's blood with 'Human' drug? not only it would make the process turning into human faster, but Haru's blood contain a poison that really lethal to the demons, that's the blood of the half-ling"

Suggested Yuki, closing the book that says 'Half-ling' and looks at Shinobu who still in daze by the giant black wings on Yuki's back. "But, I oppose the idea on Shinobu using herself as sacrifice" He seriously stated.

"Yuki-kun, you know yourself well that I can't kill that demon because-"

"Shinobu, I promised Kanae-chan to protect you and a Yokai would rather commit seppuku than breaking promises"

The Insect Hashira went quiet. "Hah, as if a half-ling could be that great" Yushiro scoffed, Yuki glares at the mint-haired male. 

"What did you say? Says the one who slipped down the stairs and start claiming I tried to kidnapped the love of his life?" 

The bickering go on, until a door being slammed open causing the four looks over to see Sabito holding the bleeding girl on his arms and Giyu behind him. Yuki immediately went to yank Haru out from Sabito's hold.

"What happen to her!? Why is she bleeding!?" Yuki scream angrily at the water duo while cleaning the blood off from the girl's forehead.

"She slipped and fall" Sabito and Giyu glancing between, Shinobu, Yuki's wings, and the two demons, then to each other. 

"Why there are demons- No, why Natsura-san has...wings?" Giyu asked. "That's not important, but right now, I need you two steps out for a bit. I have something important to say to Haru..." Yuki glances at the two.

"What?! Why- Hey! Stop pushing us-" Yushiro pushed the two Hashiras out and slammed the door closed on their face.

Haru tilts her bandaged head, confused. "Haru-san, a half-ling, we were thinking to have your blood to defeating Kibutsuji Muzan" Tamayo stated, catching Haru's attention. Suddenly, the petite girl's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Yuki asked his sister as she shakes a bit. "W-why... Why my mom is here? Y-you were supposed to be... dead"

Tamayo was taken back a bit, so did the others. Haru then realized that Tamayo's demon aura and her lilac eyes and shakes her head. "No, sorry... She's just look alike with..." Haru trailed a bit, sighing.

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