48: Uppermoons: Kokushibo 一

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1800

Haru put Tamayo's unconscious body inside where the Ubuyashiki children hideouts. "Everything had been according to what we all planned, Tamayo-san's consciousness will be back after Muzan fully absorb the doll..."

Haru took one last glance to the unconscious demon before walking out.

"Shinjiro-san, Tengen-san. I'll leave it to you two to protect this place with all cost"

"So, my blood?" She changes the topics. "Yes, your blood, half-ling's blood" And they proceed to explain everything to the younger girl.

"Sure, go on" Haru simply said. "Take as much as you want" Yuki looked at the girl worriedly. "Haru... you know that we all need a big amount of your-"

"Yes I get it, just take it" Haru smiles. "I'll take this to pay my sins, so, please. Oh also, I think my blood could also heal normal human... if it couldn't why it regenerate my human body?"

Haru looked at Tamayo. "I have a proposal for you" The beautiful demon looked at her questionably. "How about we..." Haru trailed. 

"Create healing potions that could heal severed limbs, using my blood? but also could be used as a poison? oh and this might be risky, but we need to get Muzan off guard and when he is. I need you to use your illusion art to make sure that he won't notice that you've been switched with a doll"

Haru starts forming her chains into a shape that almost like Tamayo.

"I have no full control with my abilities just yet, so this might be useful to weakening his cells"

Haru explains. "But, your chains are..." Haru pulls a smile towards her brother. "Exactly, it might hurt me but the chains contain the lethal poison, don't worry this won't kill me, I'm a monster after all"

Haru rushing around the fortress, looking for a certain demon than she suddenly felt the distorted aura that she very familiar with and she saw Sanemi sped through into a room. She went to follow him and the first thing she saw the bleeding body of Muichiro who lost his arm and leg.

"M...Mui-kun!!" Her eyes widened as she rushed to his aids. "H-hey, hang in there..." She holds the small boy's body close to her, tries to contain the tears as she injects the healing syringe in her arm as she sucks her blood a bit to mix it as it glows golden color.

"H-Haru-nee..." Muichiro weakly looked at her, wincing a bit when she injects the mixture to his arm. "I-I don't know if this gonna work... I hope it is... Sorry for coming late..."

Muichiro felt a slight burning to his decapitated arm and leg when he looks down, his turquoise eyes widened in surprise as his limbs start to grow and regenerate back. "Just stay here... I'll take care of everything else" She gently placed him down.

Haru pats his head and walks over to the Shinazugawa brother is.

"Hey, Nemi" Her voice caught the older Shinazugawa off guard as he looks up whilst holding Genya's diced up body. "W-what the fuck are you doing here?!" Haru ignores his question and pulls out another syringe and did the same thing to Genya as he starts to regenerate.

"There... now, Himejima-san, Nemi-kun, please take the injured ones to the safety first, I want to say something to an 'old friend', right Kokushibo-san?"

Haru stands face to face with the Uppermoon 1. 

"This is my battle, my re-match, my revenge for two people I hold dear ever since my past life..." Her eyes turn to half-ling eyes.

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