44: Hashira Training IV: Shinazugawa & Stone

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 2331

Haru looked up onto the sky as the sun shines brightly on top of her. "My, still noon huh... Hashira training pays off huh... on top of that- blech" Haru spit out a blue-ish black liquid onto her hand. "Fuck... This is getting worse huh..." She wipes it off.

'Ever since the red-district... this poison... has no antidote... Shinobu-chan's and Tamayo-san's medicine helped with slowing it... No, now it's not the time...'

Sighing as she made her way to Shinazugawa's dojo quickly. "Where was it- Oof-" The petite girl bumped her face on someone else's back. "S-sorry... eh? Tanji-Kun?"

The burgundy boy turned around to face her. "Haru?- So, you passed Iguro-san's training?" Asked Tanjiro kindly which Haru replied with a nod.

"Yeah, I manage to passed it this noon- I thought It'll be dusk when I finish... but that doesn't matter! This hashiras training sure are fun- Woah!!"

A blur of blonde hugging onto her small frame as if his life depends on it causing her to fall.

"L-lemme outta here! Haru-chan! Tanjiro! Please!!!" Cried Zenitsu before continuing. "I can't stand it anymore! I can't!!" He rubs his cheek against Haru's. Haru looked at the crying blonde questionably while Tanjiro tries to pry Zenitsu off from Haru.

"I-I managed to get this far already! I had to crawl over the fence to hide like a lizard! O can see my corpse getting mangled- Ack!!!"

A hand full of scars grabbed a handful of Zenitsu's head. Haru looked up to see a very pissed Shinazugawa Sanemi, the white-haired male noticed Haru and Zenitsu's arms around her waist, somehow makes his murderous aura darkened.

"Choose. Go back to training or I slaughter your ass"

Haru starts to sweats, she could see veins popping on Sanemi's scarred face. This made Zenitsu shrieked loudly, scared shitless and Sanemi knocked him out.

"Carry him" Stated Sanemi, throwing Zenitsu's body to Tanjiro then pulling Haru along with him. "The hell? I can walk by myself! Also, you shouldn't knock him out!! Look at him, he was just scared!!" Haru scolded the older male.

"Shut up you tiny brat!!" Snarled Sanemi, Haru's eyes darkened. "What did you say?"

Meanwhile, in the background, Tanjiro pouts as he watches the petite girl arguing with the feral hashira, so he decides to get in between them and talk. "Thank you for your guidance! I'll be training with you, along with Haru, starting today! We'll be in your care!"

Sanemi let out a growl. "Don't get cocky, bub. I haven't accepted you for shit. You too, tiny brat" He said through his gritted teeth.

"That's totally okay! I don't accept you either! You stabbed Haru and Nezuko, after all!" Tanjiro happily retorted in replies, Haru facepalmed at the situation but she's laughing internally.

"Now, now, you two" Haru tried to calm the tension down, next is the training.

Sanemi was the type who doesn't hold back as he mercilessly slashing towards the horde of slayers. Haru watched on the sideway notice something and sighed. "Weak. Controlled by anger"

Her voice echoes around the dojo.

"Huh? What the fuck are you saying, tiny brat?!" The wind hashira turned to her with menacing glares while Haru casually took off her cape then walks over to the middle.

"Let's have one on one, Shinazugawa-san," Said the petite girl as she proceeds to take the fallen wooden sword. The other slayers looked at her as if she had a death wish or plainly crazy to challenge the feral male.

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