10: The Hashiras

636 22 5

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 1873

'Wake up...' Haru starts hearing voices. 'Hey! I said wake up!' It's getting louder. "Wake... Hey! Hey, you-"  Haru start to get irritated, a low growl escape her plump lips before she snapped awake. Her eyes open as glints of red slits glowing in the middle of her icy blue eyes. 

"Shut up! I'm awake!" She hated it when someone waking her up, early in the morning and this causes her to glared down at the poor kakushi who's shaking in fear. Then her eyes turn normal as she felt being stares at.

"Y-you're the one who should shut up and show some respects when you are in the presence of hashiras!"

Haru looked up to met with 6 peoples standing in front of her, she just looks at them blankly and having no interest at them. At the corner of her eyes, she saw the unconscious Tanjiro. She gasps and then she already beside the burgundy boy.

"Tanji?! Hey! Wake up" She was about to shake him awake, only to find out that her hands were tied together.

"Is she really a demon? I mean sure the aura she was emitting almost unhuman- but why she didn't get burnt down by the sun? and she's all wounded up" She heard mumbling and she knows to just ignore it but she couldn't help to pout a bit.

"Am I really that similar with demons?..." She mumbled, sulking.

Then she intentionally managed to snap the ropes apart. "Ah- I snap them..." Haru held her red wrist, rubbing them to ease the stinging pain. Ignoring the gasps she heard from the hashiras and the kakushi. 'Is this girl stupid or dense at the situation she was in now?'

Haru gently shakes Tanjiro. "Tanji-Kun, wake up..." She whispers softly.

Tanjiro starts to stir before snapped his eyes open. He immediately looks towards the hashiras. "Finally, you awake Tanjiro" Haru smiled a bit.

But, deep inside Haru's heart...

'I'm screwed- am I? They probably- no they already found out about my abilities and now mistook me as a demon!- Ah!!!! I don't want to die young yet!!' She screamed internally, but she keeps her posture and stays calm.

"Before we start the trial, why don't you explain the crime you commit-" Shinobu was cut off by a loud enthusiastic voice. "There's no need for a trial!" 

Haru looked over to the source of the voice and met with golden-red eyes staring at her petite figure, a male that look on his early 20, golden-blonde hair with red tips and a smile displayed on his face.

'He... looked like- an owl' Haru thought. "Protecting demons is a clear violation of the code! and a demon joining the corps is against the rules! We're within our rights to deal with them on our own! We're going to behead him along with the demons! The male continued enthusiastically too much for Haru's liking.

'Is he the guy that Yuki always complain about because he's so loud? if I remember- his name is...' Haru thought for a bit. "Rengoku Kyojuro..." She muttered.

"In that case, I'll be glad to decapitate them flamboyantly! I'll show you the most flamboyant blood spray you'll ever see! I'm talking max flamboyance" Another joined in. 

'Ah! the fashion diva guy that used to come over at nii-san and complain about his fashion uniform! I only see a glimpse of him through my door though but I remember the voice! I heard Nii-san call him...'

"Uzui Tengen..." Haru's eyes catch a girl with pink hair and green hues at the bottom, she blushed a bit. 

'S-s-she's busted! Isn't she the girl who Yuki used to have crushed on before he backed away after being threatened by a certain masked hashira? I believe her name is...'

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