49: Final Act

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 810

Unaware of four slayers watching her. "I see... she regain her past life memories..." Said Himejima as he helped Muichiro up.

"Memories?" Asked Sanemi. "It's half-ling's curse" Himejima stated. "What a poor soul..." He cried. "If only none of this happen... maybe all of us would live a normal life..." Genya sighed. Haru suddenly stopped crying.

"You're right... if only... if only Muzan doesn't exist from the start..." The four males went stiffened as they felt an immense hatred and blood lust from the girl.

She gripped onto the flute as red chains start circling her figures, black chains start appearing on her skin as her eyes turn completely black with kanji that says 'kill' written in it.

She gripped onto the flute as red chains start circling her figures, black chains start appearing on her skin as her eyes turn completely black with kanji that says 'kill' written in it

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She stood up, stumbling a bit as she coughs up a bluish-black substance that Sanemi is very familiar with. "T-That- That's a poison! What the-" Before he could finish the girl stopped him. 

"It's nothing, Sanemi... Himejima, get the injured one away from here... I'll take care of what I should've finished back then" With that she proceeds to walks away, leaving them there. 

"W-wait- Haru-san!" Genya called her out, halting her steps. He then smiles beamingly.

"Thank you!" He said while helping his brother up

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"Thank you!" He said while helping his brother up. Haru nodded before disappears from everyone's sights. The white-haired Hashira gritted his teeth. "Damn, little brat! Don't die!" He screamed.

Haru running silently down the hall of the Fortress, until she felt intense pain as if her back was getting cut, causing her to stumble and lean on the wall. "Fuck... Sabito... be careful..." She cursed as her blood dripping down.

She continued her way that leads her to the surface ground.

A crow flew past her. "Caw! Caw! One and a half hours until dawn!" It announced and repeats. Haru growled. "No need for a long time... I'll fuck him up bad once I found him" She uses her vision to pin-point Muzan and smirks make its way on her demon-like features.

"Found you~"

In a blink of an eye, she had her chains tying the first demon. Haru suddenly appears in front of him with a wicked smile on her face. "Konichiwa"

Everyone was caught off guard by her new look, her distorted voice sent chills in their body. Muzan's blood trembled at the sight of her. "Now now~ Look at that lovely fear painted on your face?~"

She taunted before grabs a handful of his face and slammed it down on the ground, leaving a huge crack underneath.

Haru steps backward, letting go of him before using her chains to throw him up as it sends him flying. She repeatedly landing blows towards Muzan's body, the others only could watch her. 

The fights between the two are too fast, with Haru sending kicks, scratches, and punch, Muzan's stabbing her with his tendrils, both at a great speed seems to be a suicide to interfere. "Sea of Abyss: Poison Tide" Muzan's movement stopped as he screamed in agony.

"You little pest!" He went to attacks her but his movement getting slower as black spots start appearing on his skins. "W-what the-?!" 

Haru stands in front of him, smiling innocently with her monstrous eyes stares at his ruby orbs. "A hybrid poison, a mix of Human Potion, Aging Potion, and a Half-ling Poison, all getting stronger as soon as I use my ability"

Everything went in slow motions for Muzan as everyone attacked him all at once then he felt the world went upside down along his body burns slowly into nothing but dust. "No! No! Damn it! NO!!!!"

He screams as he disappears into thin air, everyone went quiet as the sun starts rising into the horizon. 




Everyone cheered happily, tears of happiness starts flowing down their faces. Haru smiles as she turned back to her normal form, shadows of peoples hovering her as a hand reaching out for her.

She looks up to see Tanjiro with a beaming smile on his face. "Haru, we've won! Thank you!" He grins brightly, Haru pulled up a tired smile. "No need to- Ba-dum Blech-!!" 

Blood coming out from her mouth, she put her hands over it, Tanjiro's dark red eyes widened at the amount of blood. "H-Haru-"


Her heart pounding at an inhumanly fast pace as more blood coming out from her. Tanjiro hold the petite girl before she falls to the ground, he watches her eyes start to losing a light and slowly closing. "H-hey! Don't close your eyes!! Haru-chan!!!" 

Tanjiro panicked, his screams caught everyone's attention.

Haru felt she starts losing her visions, her ears ringing, and her body had no strength to keep her awake. The voices start to muffled. 'Everyone... don't worry...' Darkness consuming her as she went unconscious.

"Haru-chan!/ Haru!!"

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