50: Goodbye, Spring

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Warning| ⚠Angsty Chapter⚠ Slight spoiler
Words| 2338

【ᴛᴀɴᴊɪʀᴏ ᴘᴏᴠ】

Three. Three months after Muzan was defeated. Three months the Demon Slayer Corps have won against Kibutsuji Muzan and... Three months of Haru fallen into a coma ever since.

I clenched the sheet covering her sleeping state.

It's both relieving and dreading, She still breathing but no one knows what will happen. Reminded me of the feeling when Nezuko falling asleep for the whole two years. Feeling scared that Haru would suddenly disappear keep haunting me. Not only me...

Almost everyone has the same feeling.

"Onii-chan" I turned around to see Nezuko, smiling under the sunlight with her pink-ish orbs shining under it. "Nezuko" I smile at her, Tamayo-san's medicine succeeded to turn her back into a human which I really thankful for.

Nezuko walked over to me, looking over to the bed beside me where Haru sleeps on. IV tube attached to her arm along with an oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. 

"Hanasaki-san... Is she going to be alright?..."

Nezuko asked as I darted my eyes to the sleeping girl before pulling up a hopeful smile. "I hope so, T-Tamayo-san and Shinobu-san will find the medicine for her! I'm sure of it"

Nezuko looked at me, mirroring my expression.

A knock was heard, causing us to turn around to see Natsura-san. "Sorry for the interruption... but can I have some alone time with my sister?" He smiles weakly, I could smelt his tiredness and sadness.

Nezuko and I nodded, we both leave to give them some space and close the door.

'Haru... Please wake up soon...'

Nezuko looked at me worriedly. "Nii-chan... Y-you should rest too..." My gaze softened, smiling then shakes my head. "I can't" I simply said, It's true. I can't sleep because whenever I closed my eyes, I saw it.

The same image of Haru coughing blood violently in front of me, the feeling of her cold skin, it burns deep on my mind making me thought the worse of scenarios.

Not long after we left, we both heard a scream. Natsura-san's scream that coming from... Haru's room. "Huh?!" I quickly turned around and dashed back to the room with Nezuko close behind me.

I flung the door open. "What's wrong!?-" My eyes widened at the sight, I heard Nezuko gasps behind me.

There she is,

Blue orbs shining gently under the sunlight from the window as her gaze land on my red ones. Natsura-san was crying as he holds the girl close to him. "H-Haru..." I still couldn't believe my eyes.

Tears flowing from my eyes as I take steps forward and call her name again. "Haru..."

My feet were trembling as it made its way towards her, she smiles softly at me and open up her arm for space. "Tanjiro" Her raspy voice called, I lose it. I immediately embrace her in my hold and cried.

"Y-you're awake!! You're awake-" Footsteps were heard running to the room.

"What the- what's wrong?!" Sabito-san's voice was heard with others following. I pulled away, revealing the now conscious Haru to their views.

"No way..."



"She's awake!!"

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