46: The War has just Begun

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 398

Haru and Sabito are rushing towards the Ubuyashiki Estate, not long after a certain firey-haired male running along beside them with a bow and arrows.

"How could a demon find and gets into the Ubuyashiki Estate!?" Ask-shouted Kyojuro, not wearing his usual smile. Then it hit Haru in the realization as she narrowed her eyes. "A normal demon wouldn't... But Kibutsuji Muzan... Would..."

Haru let out an aggressive growl. "I'll go ahead, you guys catch up with others!" In a blink of an eye, Haru already ahead of the two.

"Come on! Come on!" Jumping from tree to tree, Haru desperately runs faster. "Oyakata-sama!!-" A loud explosion has been heard, both of Haru's eyes widened and her mouth gaped in disbelief. "NO!"

She picked up her speed as fast as a light and see Tamayo already had her arm inside Muzan's abdomen, Haru's eyes snapped into her half-ling one, her fangs bared like a wild animal.

"Kibutsuji Muzan!!!" She screamed, charging forward, summoning her chains to tied him up and bullets have been fired into his skull. "How fucking dare you!?" Haru had her sword sliced halfway on his shoulder.

"How dare you make appearance now?! The last time I fucking met you were when you fucking turn Michikatsu-kun into a demon named Kokushibo!" More chains tying him up. "For that, you'll pay your sins now!"

The others jumps in for the attack at once.

"Enchanted Ability: Chains of Abyss-" Before Haru could finish her chanting, Muzan teleports the whole Infinite Castle around them.

"Damn Half-ling! You seriously thought you could corner me?! You're all going to hell now! You pathetic demon hunter pests! I'm slaughtering you all tonight-"

Haru shut him up by shoving her hand in Muzan's mouth, turning his attention all to her. "Shut up you annoying fake bitch, such a pathetic creature aren't you? Now time for you to die" Haru lifted her sword once more.

Muzan bites off Haru's hand as a room slammed onto her body, throwing the petite girl away and breaking the chains that tied him.

"Now the pest is gone, time to end you" He stares at the Tamayo, little did he know, it was just an illusion of Haru's chains that contain a human turning drug, aging drug, along with lethal demon poison.

Haru lands savely somewhere with the real Tamayo's body on her hold. "Okay... good..." She walked away.

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