33: Muichiro, Kotetsu, and Yoriichi Doll

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Warning| ⚠Short ChapterSpoiler
Words| 985

The next morning, Tanjiro's mind was occupied by the secret weapon that Mitsuri told him about yesterday. "I wonder what this weapon Kanroji-san talked about is?" Tanjiro pondered as he turns to face Haru who was reloading her gun with some bullets.

"What weapon, huh? Hm... probably a buried sword?" Haru shrugged as she unsummoned gun, her eyes wander somewhere else as if she's not taking any interest in the weapon Tanjiro was talking about.

"It's like a treasure hunt, I'm so excited! Don't you too, Haru-chan?" Tanjiro beaming excitedly which Haru returned with a warm smile.

Haru then turns her eyes ahead and saw two figures. "Huh? That's a hashira and a kid..." Tanjiro trailed off, Haru nodded. "It's the mist hashira, Tokito Muichiro-Kun" Haru stated as the two heard shouting.

"Go away! I'm not handing my key over, no matter what!" The masked kid yelled towards Muichiro. "And I ain't teaching you how to use it!" 

Haru just listened and watch but as soon as Muichiro lifted his hand upwards, Haru found herself already in between the mist hashira and the kid, only to get slapped across her face. "Ouch..." Haru hissed quietly, Muichiro gripped onto her by the collar.

"Don't get in my way..."

He then throws her body right against a tree. "Ack-!!" Haru gasps at the impact before feeling her body slumped down. "Haru-chan!" with that her consciousness fall into complete darkness.

"Uwahhhh! Her forehead! Her forehead is bleeding!!" Shriek a voice, worries laced in it. "She just has a concussion" Tanjiro's voice echos inside her ears as Haru starts to open her eyes and held her throbbing forehead.

Her vision started to get focused then she saw Tanjiro's relieved face and the masked kid.

"Haru-chan! You're okay!" Tanjiro beamed as he gently dabbing his handkerchief on her bleeding forehead. "Uh- yeah, sorry- wait, are you two okay?" Haru asked worriedly.

"Yeah, we're okay" Tanjiro answers her genuinely before helped the petite girl stood up.

Haru looks around, feeling like she's missing something- someone's presence. "Morely, where's Muichiro-Kun?" She looked at the two boys, raising her eyebrow. "The mist hashira?-"

As if it on a cue, they heard crashing sounds of swords. "Over here" The kid starts to lead the confused two slayers towards the source of the sounds.

Haru and Tanjiro were stunned at the sight of Muichiro fighting against a mechanic doll. "That is the battle doll my ancestors made long ago, 'Yorichi Zeroshiki'" The kid stated the information.

'That face... Yorichi-!' Haru hisses as she held her head, blurred images start flooding into her head and it was the same burgundy man that appeared in her dreams.

 Yorichi-!' Haru hisses as she held her head, blurred images start flooding into her head and it was the same burgundy man that appeared in her dreams

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"The sakura really suits you, Haru-san. Thank you for always listening to my stories" His voice started to echoes in her head. 

"Haru!!! Wait! Why did you get in between us!? Haru!"

"Haru!!! Wait! Why did you get in between us!? Haru!"

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"Be careful, Haru- You're reckless as always... Don't die on me..." 




"Haru-chan!!!" Tanjiro's worried voice snapped her out back into reality. "Eh...?" Haru blinks for a moment until a breaking sound could be heard.

They all turned towards the fool. "I-it's armor..." Pointed out Tanjiro, all of sudden the masked boy sprints away from the two. "Kotetsu-Kun!"

Tanjiro starts chasing after him, Haru glance over towards the doll before went after the two boys. She immediately pinpoints Kotetsu's anxious and scared aura as she jumps on a tree branches to another one until she stood on the branch where Kotetsu crying.

"Kotetsu-Kun, isn't it? If it's about the doll, Tanjiro and I could help out! Don't give up" Haru softly said as she sat down beside Kotetsu, looking down at Tanjiro who nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, you still have a future! You have to work hard so you can be better ten- no- twenty years later on! One day, you'll be able to do the things you can't do right now" Encourages Tanjiro, Kotetsu didn't say anything then he wipes his tears off.

"No, I can't. I know I'm just a pathetic guy. Everything... is gonna end at my generation, and it's all my fault- Ouch"

Both Haru and Tanjiro flicked the boy's cheeks. "Please, don't talk about yourself like that way" Haru patted Kotetsu's hair, caressing it. "If you can't do it yourself, then someone else will. But you have to put in effort so you can pass it on to the next generation"

Said Tanjiro wisely as he continues while holding on a branch.

"So even if you can't do it, then your kids and grandkids might be able to, right?" Haru nodded. "I wanna beat Kibutsuji Muzan myself and I want to save my sister who got turned into a demon, but I might die without fully achieving these. But I believe someone will finish the deed for sure,"

Tanjiro's red orbs stare onto Haru's blue ones.

"Just like how we defeated an upper moon with lives we connected. Those same lives will one day beat Kibutsuji" Haru pulls the younger boy into a warm hug. "Let's do our best!"

After the touching moment, Haru helps Kotetsu down by holding him close to her as she recklessly jumped down from the tree. "Uwah!!!! Are you trying to kill us!? This tree is high!" Cried Kotetsu in fear.

Haru manages to land on her feet then put Kotetsu down. "That's just a small obstacle" Haru simply said.

The three of them start walking back towards the doll while talking about random stuff. Not long after a black silhouette walked past them, Haru keeps on walking as she didn't notice.

But when she already on the training ground, her movement went halted so does her beating heart.


[A/n] Okay! Sorry for the short updates and the delay, I got busy with work and when I got back home, it's already 9-10 pm-is so I kinda got tired and just go sleep. Thank you for voting and adding my book! 

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