16: Rehabilitation Training 2

503 16 12

Warning| ⚠Long Chapter
Words| 1744

"Sorry, Rengoku-sama... How about I get you something to eat at the butterfly estate?"

"It's fine! It's fine! I should be the one who's apologizing for my father's behavior!"

Earlier, back at Rengoku Household. Haru met with the head of Rengoku Family and he was cussing at her, saying nothing but rude words then kicked her out of the house and Haru did walking out without a fight.

She just apologized to the man with a soft sad smile on her face. Kyojuro insisted to walked her back to the butterfly estate as an apology and gratitude for helping Senjuro.

Now, they walking side by side. "I saw the sake gourd he was holding, in all honesty- it just looked sad... knowing they were once a happy person that now drowning themselves with drinking" Haru mumbled suddenly.

She then realized what she was saying and starts apologizing. "Ah! Sorry, it just came out of my mouth..." Kyojuro beamed at her even more [A/n: Is that even possible? He's the definition of sunshine] 

"Umu! Father was used to be a cherry man with great passion! He was the former flame hashira! I'm surprised that you noticed that"

Haru raised her eyebrows. "It's quite easy to tell, everything can be knowledgeable if you had experienced" She closed her eyes. "You used your personality to balanced things out and stay strong for your little brother" She stopped and look at him.

"Anyway, thank you for walking me back here, oyasumi" Haru went into the butterfly estate, leaving the flame pillar standing there as his fiery eyes stare at her retreating figure.

"...." He then turns around and went back to his home, then his stomach let out a growl again. Making him sweatdropped.

Haru now laying on her bed, playing all her memories. From her dark past until now. 'A lot... had happened huh...' She started to get drowsy, soon darkness surrounds her.


Haru opened her eyes to see a vision out of an unfamiliar place, she saw sakura trees out of the window. 

"Hanasaki" Haru blinked. 'What the- where...?' She turns her head but she couldn't see the person's face, It was blurred by lights. 

All she saw was a red

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All she saw was a red. 'Who...?' the image started to get brighter and brighter into a blinding light, she clutched her eyes shut.


Haru snapped her eyes open as she gasps and sits up, startling her poor crow who was resting on her bedside table. Haru was sweating mess as she panting, holding her head. 

"A d-dream? It's too realistic... for my taste..." She muttered under her breath.

Her crow nudged on her. "Hm? I'm fine, Kisame- Do you need anything?" She pets her crow which it replied with. "Gifts! Gifts!" Haru chuckled.

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