12: Trial 2

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Warning| ⚠Short Chapter
Words| 1220

Haru watched Nezuko turning her head away in disgust which made her smile in relief as she glanced at Kyojuro who looked at her. "Say... do you mind, like letting my leg go?" 

Kyojuro didn't even bother to answer her and just stares at her with the same smile before letting her go.

"What just happened?" She heard Oyakata asked.

"The demon girl turned her head in disgust, although she'd been stabbed three times by Shinazugawa and despite his flaunting of his bloody arm in her face, she restrained herself and did not bite," One of the twins said.

Sanemi clicks his tongue. "So now, it's been proven that Nezuko won't attack humans, right?" Oyakata looked at the hashiras then to Tanjiro.

"Tanjiro" he called causing the burgundy boy to turn his head towards him. 

"I'm sure that even after this, there are some who can't accept Nezuko. You must prove it to them starting now. That you and Nezuko can fight as Demon Slayers. That you can be useful"

With Oyakata words Tanjiro quickly bows, so did Haru as she quickly fixed her posture and bow to show some respect.

"In that case, allow me to take Kamado-Kun into my house" Shinobu spoke up, Haru tilted her head to the side. 'Eh?' Shinobu claps her hands. "All right, then! Take them away, please!"

Haru watched the kakushis taking the Kamado siblings. 'Wait- what about me!?' Tanjiro and Haru locked eyes into each other.

"T-Tanjiro!!" she watched his figure retreating. "H-Haru-san!" Tanjiro shouted for her as he disappeared at the corner.

"...." Haru gulped as she felt more nervous and less confident than before. 

"Now then, we shall begin for Hanasaki Haru trial-" Oyakata was rudely interrupted by Tanjiro who's desperately trying to prove Haru's innocence and wanting to headbutted Sanemi again.

It was stopped by Muichiro who's flicking pebbles straight on Tanjiro's neck causing him to collapse. The kakushis apologizes over and over before taking the unconscious Tanjiro away.

"Now, let's begin the trial for Hanasaki Haru" Oyakata continued.

Haru sighed defeatedly. "As I mentioned before, she has a few remarkable unique abilities and one of them is reviving back a dead person- a lost spirit I might say" 

The raven-haired girl quietly listened. "This was reported by none others than both Urokodaki Sakonji and Natsura Yuki"

And as if he heard his name being called, Yuki appeared beside Haru already on his knees with his head down to show respect towards Oyakata.

"Yes, Oyakata-sama" Haru jumped a bit at the sudden appearance of her pink-haired brother. 

"Huh?! How did we know if there's no proves?! Maybe you just trying to hide the fact that she's a demon!" Sanemi snarled at Yuki. "Also how did she knows all of our names?" He continued.

"I told her" Yuki growled then continues. "You better shut your mouth and use it wisely, Shinazugawa Sanemi-sama" Yuki's face darkened at the feral hashira. 

Haru was surprised by Yuki's angry demeanor since he would always either be whining and cowering in fear or just smile it off if someone yelling at him.

This also surprised the other hashiras as well, all except Muichiro, Gyomei, and Giyu. Haru assumed that this is also the first time they saw Yuki this mad.

"I, Natsura Yuki, have the prove of Haru's ability. Not long ago, Urokodaki-sama sent me a letter. Saying that my little sister successfully revived a restless spirit who died 8 years ago, He's one of Urokodaki-sama's student and the best friend of the water hashira, Tomioka Giyu"

Yuki glanced towards Giyu who's eyes widened before back to his usually stoic face. "And I have this book of Half-ling history" Yuki put an old looking book on the ground. 

"It is written here, all about her abilities. And... Sabito, you can come out now" Haru turned her head to the corner as she felt a familiar aura, so did all the hashiras. 

Haru's eyes lighten up at the sight of a peach-haired male with a fox mask covering his face, white haori that top his demon slayer corps uniform. 

"Sorry for the sudden appearance" Sabito walked over beside Haru as he opened his mask, revealing his face with a permanent scar on the side of his face and his gentle lavender eyes.

He gets on his knees and bows his head down. "My name is Sabito, Haru revived me after she found out I'm a restless spirit. This comes with a great consequence too, if I'm physically injured- Haru would get injured too-" Sabito was interrupted by Sanemi.

"Then why you didn't get any injuries while that girl beaten up? Oyakata-sama! They must be lying, after all, there's no way any person could revive someone!" 

After a quiet moment, Haru sighed and unsheathed Sabito's sword which caught the male off guard. Without any second thought, she pulled Sabito arms and sliced on it, leaving a deep cut. 

She opened her sleeve and reveal the newly same cut on her arm. Gasps can be heard. "What happened?" Oyakata asked.

"The girl take Sabito's sword and sliced his arm, the same cut appeared on the exact place on her arm" One of the twins explained.

Haru lifted her hands over Sabito's cut as it starts to glow. Her hair started flowing, lightning appearing on her left arm. "Sister! Don't use-"

"Dear all-mighty heaven,
I beg for a favor,"

Sabito looked at her, shaking his head lightly. "Haru..." He warned.

"If you hear this selfish plea,
Please heal this graving wound,
With my blood and tears"

All the hashiras watched Sabito's cut starting to heal as more blood dripping from Haru's cut. No one speaks, Haru put her arms down.

"You all don't have to accepted me at once, but please allow me to continue my duty as demon slayer... because it would be selfish of me if I keep these abilities to myself when there's innocents people who need help... I'll use this to protect humanity"

She turned towards the hashiras and bow.

"Well, after what she has proven to us, I'm sure you all now can try to accept her as Demon Slayers. Yuki" Oyakata turned to Yuki. "Thank you for coming back being demon slayer" Yuki smiles and nodded.

"Haru, Yuki, and Sabito, You three are dismissed" The trio replied with a firm. "Yes"

Shinobu claps her hands again. "Alright, Yuki-Kun could you bring her to my house?" Yuki's face immediately turned red as he picked Haru up. "Yes! Shinobu-sama!" Haru looked at him, smirking.

"Haru-" Sabito started. "You know you didn't have to do that" He sheathed back his nichirin sword. 

Haru turned to him with an annoyed look. "No, I wasn't doing that to prove my abilities but I'm annoyed at how clean you are, no cuts and wounds" She plainly said.

"Huh?! That's the reason, idiot! If I'm injured, you'll get injured too!!" Tick mark appeared on Sabito's face as he's head to head with the petite girl.

"Didn't you say you're going to give Giyu a punch the minute you saw him? And he looked pretty surprised too, you should go and company your boyfriend" Haru smiled. 

"Just shut up-" Yuki groaned in annoyance. "I told you didn't I? Don't get closer to my sister!"

And the bickering continues as they went to the Butterfly Estate.

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