32:Hotaru, Mitsuri, and Genya

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1565

"Hotaru has gone missing right now, we're doing our best to look for him. So please, be patient" The chief stated, Haru smile nervously as she asked. "Uhm, Pardon me but who's Hotaru? I mean you did say the same name earlier..." 

Haru recalled about the marriage proposal earlier and shakes her head.

"Ah yes, Haganezuka Hotaru" The chief answered happily. Haru dumbfounded a bit before she smiled a bit. "That's... a cute name actually" The chief nodded in agreement. "I'm the one who gave it to him," He said proudly before continuing.

"But, he keeps bad mouthing me since he says it's too cute" He sighed.

This made both of the young slayers frowns. "That's not nice and pretty sad," They both said in sync.

"He's always been like this ever since he was a child. Throw tantrums right away, then go off somewhere. Sorry about that" Tecchin bow a bit at them.

Haru shakes her head a bit and pulls out an apologetic smile. "No, no! We were the one who ended up either breaking our swords or chipping it" She said in an apologetic tone.

"No, you're wrong. It's his fault for creating swords that could break easily" Tecchin firmly stated.

Haru and Tanjiro glance at each other with a troubled face. One of the other swordsmiths spoke up. "As soon as we find him, we'll seize him and bring him over. So don't worry about anything"

This made both teens more sweated. "P-please don't be violent..." The two let out a dry chuckle.

"I heard that your body still hasn't recovered enough to be sent out into the field. So if Hotaru doesn't forge your swords by then, we'll have someone else do it and for you, cute little girl" Haru swallowed her saliva nervously as Tecchin faced her.

"I heard from Hotaru that you need special bullets, we'll deliver it after your meal being prepared" Haru's face lit up as she bows once again. "Thank you very much"

The girl smiles gratefully at Tecchin. "The hot spring in our village does wonders for the body. So please, spend some time there"

With that, Haru and Tanjiro were escorted by one of the smiths to the path towards the hot spring.

"The spring is at the top of this hill, I will be preparing your meal down here, along with Hanasaki-dono's special bullets," The smiths says.

"Wait, is it mixed hot spring?" Haru asked nervously. "Well, there is only one hot spring here. I hope you enjoy your stay" The man bid them goodbye and walks away, leaving them alone.

"Well, let's go. Haru-chan-"

"Ah! It's Haru-chan and Tanjiro-Kun!!" A soft voice called out their names causing them to look over to see the love hashira herself, on the verges of crying. Haru's eyes almost fall out of its sockets at the sight of Mitsuri's cleavage jingling as she was running towards them.

"Please be careful! Your breasts are going to- Mmmpfh!!" Haru was pulled into a hug with her head in between of Mitsuri's cleavage.

"Listen! Listen! I got Ignored! I greeted him and he ignored me!" Cried the pink-haired hashira as she tightening the hug.

"Mmph!!" Haru tried to free herself out of Mitsuri's strong hugs, her face turning red as if it was about to explode.

"Who did?" Asked Tanjiro to the love hashira, forgetting about Haru's situation. "I don't know! I asked him his name and he ignored me! Isn't that just cruel?! I'm a hashira!" Mitsuri whines as she cried, loosening her holds on Haru.

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