38: Conquers the Sun

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Warning| ⚠Long ChapterSpoiler
Words| 1058

Haru watched as the Kamado sibling falling down the cliff along with the demon, gritting her teeth as she run-up towards the cliff to jump down but Genya holds on her cape. "Are you crazy?! You could get yourself killed!!" Screamed Genya.

Haru turns to Genya, her cold blue eyes piercing into Genya's demonic one. "Let go" Two words coldly left her lips in demand. Genya's eyes widened as he flinch at how cold Haru's face could be, not expecting it and he hated it.

"Get myself killed? The only thing that could kill a monster like me is myself" Genya's loosening his hold as he stood there, watching the petite girl turns away and jumps off.

She roared, she rolled over on the ground before stands back up and with her speed, she managed to tackle the demon down. "And there's no in fucking way I'll let demon like you taking another life! Not in my watch!" 

A sword was thrown towards Tanjiro. "Use it! Use that Tanjiro!!" shouted a familiar voice that belongs to Muichiro. Haru glance over to see the long-haired boy being strangled by an unfamiliar but handsome man.

"Stop! I'll kill you! Don't use it! I only finished the first step! Dammit! Give it back!!" 

Haru's jaw dropped when she heard Haganezuka's voice. 'You gotta be kidding me, is that Haganezuka Hotaru!? That's his face?!'

She sweated, disbelief a bit. "The sun is rising! Haru! Keep on holding him!" Shouted Muichiro.

"Tanjiro! Use the damn sword-" Haru's body got flung away as the demon stomped onto her chest over and over. "Haru!! Waltz Flash!"

Tanjiro then successfully decapitate Hatengu's head, but instead of turning into dust. The demon started running towards the other swordsmiths.

"Dammit-!!" She quickly bolts and use her sword to block Hatengu's hands, protecting the swordsmiths. "Die, demon" Haru glance over the sky as the sun started to rise. A quick flash of Nezuko's face passed through her mind. 'Nezuko-chan!!'

This made her guard down and Hatengu took this to pinned the girl down by her neck. 


"Ahhh!! He's gonna kill her!!!"

In a blink of an eye, Hatengu's arms were cuts off by Tanjiro. "Atone for this with your life!!" Tanjiro screamed as he cut through the demon's chest.

Haru felt droplets of tears dripping on her face as Tanjiro looked at her with teary eyes, she immediately pulled the burgundy boy as he cried onto her shoulder. She doesn't have to ask to know what happen as she silently comforted him.

"I defeated him... but I- I sacrificed Nezuko..."

Haru looked on the clear sky with her empty eyes. 'Hurt... It's must be hurt for you... You must be suffering a lot... Your sister turned into a demon and you join this fucked up job in hope to find a cure for her, only to have it burn in vain... If only I can do better... It's not your fault, It's mine for being stupid and weak...'

"...Sorry..." The words left as a whisper as the burgundy held her tighter.

Haru then heard footsteps and looked up to see Nezuko standing there, not burning and alive under the sun.

"N-Nezuko-chan..." Haru said in disbelief, without more words being said. The petite girl turned the burgundy boy around to face Nezuko, causing him stares in relief yet doubtly.

Nezuko had her bamboo nuzzle off, she smiles at them with soften eyes. "M-morning"

Haru watch the Kamado sibling have their touching moment, then she felt a tap on her shoulder, turning her head around to see the wordsmiths bowing their heads at her.

"Thank you for saving us-" Haru stopped them with waving her hands in denial. "No, you thanked the wrong person. You should thank Tanjiro-kun" She point at the burgundy boy and smile softly.

"Nezuko... Are you okay? Are...you... a human?" Tanjiro asked with hope laced in his voice, Haru went to helped him up and move closer to Nezuko. "T-thank god... Thank god... god... Are you okay?" The pink-eyed demon smile towards the two.

Tanjiro take a closer look to his sister and noticing the fangs and her demon-like eyes.

"Wait... are you okay? You find't turn into dust and disappeared?..." Trailed Tanjiro, confused by what's going on. "I think she conquer the sun- woah" Tanjiro pulled Haru along in a hug with Nezuko.

"Wah! This is great! Nezuko's safe!!" Cried Tanjiro happily, Nezuko pull the hug even tight. "Great" She heard the young Kamado said. 

The petite girl however forced a smile, before her eyes made an eye contact with Genya's soft gaze and smiles at her.

Haru turns away, shaking her head. 'I didn't do anything...' she clenched her teeth then felt a weight on her arms. Looking down to see Tanjiro went limp. "Ah! He suddenly fell over!!" 

"Young Kamado, keep yourself together!"

"Dead? Dead!? Is he dead!?"

Everyone start panicking while Haru point her sword at the burgundy boy. "Fourth Style: Breeze of Cantella" She glide it carefully across his body as his wounds stops bleeding then she proceed to picked him up.

"Let's go to the others" Haru gives Nezuko a small smile which she returned with a happy nod.

Not long after, they crossed path with the Mist Hashira who leaned over to Kotetsu for support. "Tanjiro, you okay?" Asked Muichiro, Haru passed Tanjiro over to Nezuko carefully and went to fix her cape, hiding her burned bared back which Genya took a notice.

He looked at her worriedly, opening his mouth to ask her about it but a loud voice cut him off.

"Guys! Guys!" Everyone turned over to see Mitsuri running towards them in full speed. "Guys!!" The Love Hashira pulls them into a group hug, Genya's face immediately turned bright red and Haru on the other hand, got her face in between of Mitsuri's boobs.

"Wah! We won! We won! Wwe all won! We're alive!!" Cries Mitsuri in happy tears. "Thank gods" Chirpped Nezuko, she smiles at the pink haired Hashira. A loud muffled sound was heard, they all turned to Haru who finally pulled her head away.

"I thought that I'll be dead from being suffocated by boobs-..." Nosebleed spurt out from her nose like a fountain, falling down on the ground, passing out from it.

"Uwahhh!! S-she's dead!!!"

"Moron! She's not!!"

"Haru-Chan!!! I'm so sorry!!"



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