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"McDonalds and a bottle of vodka sitting on the pavement wasnt what i was expecting" Noelle giggles

"Ooh all posh now are we? Just because we might be a tiny bit famous doesnt mean we dont enjoy getting hammered on the streets and eating maccies love" Louis laughs as he pours vodka down his neck an winces slightly.

Niall laughs a hearty laugh

"Im not posh Louisssss i just wasnt expecting this" Noelle says and points around.

Eleanor raises her eyebrow

"Are you only in this for the money?"

"El.? We asked for her to come." Louis says getting agitated

"Yeah but still she might not even be into Niall"

Noelle blushes and wipes her mouth from eating her Double Cheese Burger.

"I do like Niall.. er thanks for worrying for him though Eleanor.."

"See ? Now just leave the poor lass alone El" Louis says agitated by his girlfriend.

Harry smiles and places a hand on Noelles shoulder.

"Dont mind El.. shes just protective." Harry whispers

Noelle nods and sighs and looks at Niall who gives her a goofy smile as he chews his fries.

Zayn checks the time on his watch as he passes the vodka bottle to Noelle from which she takes a swig from and Niall cheers her on.
1.30 am

"Gang we better head back to the hotel..." Zayn sighs picking up the rubbish alongside Liam and Perrie.

The boys nod and head inside the bus

"We can get you a hotel room if you like Noelle.. or we can drop you home. Its up to you" he smiles softly taking Noelles hand.

"Ive had a lovely night Niall. But i don't want to seem like a gold digger. So um i suppose would Yous mind dropping me home?" Noelle frowns

Niall pouts and nods.

"Yeah the fans are gonna go crazy anyways. Come on. Where do you live and ill get the driver to drive up to yours."

Noelle smiles softly and gives Niall her address and they walk back into the bus where you break the news to the rest of the gang.


When you pull up outside your parents house you see a few people peep from among their blinds and Paul stands infront of you two protectively

"Ill Dm you on instagram Noelle for your number.Thanks for coming to the concert tonight. And for coming backstage. Its been one of the best nights in forever" He whispers softly

"Yes awh Niall thank you and the boys so much for having me . Ill see you soon yeah?" You smile at him

"Yeah you will.. And can you please give minimum details about tonight to friends and family. Only to people you trust incase anyone goes to the press you know.."

Noelle suddenly remembers how famous Niall and the boys are and that people she knew for so long are going to be fake with her just so they could meet them.

"Yeah i will dont worry. Thank you again" Noelle whispers as she kisses Nialls cheek and walks off into her garden

Him and Paul wave her off and watch her as she gets into her home safely.

"Shes a lovely girl isnt she?" Paul smiles

"Yeah she really is" Niall blushes

Night Changes {N•H}Where stories live. Discover now