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Friday 5th of December 2014

Noelle handed back her key to the owner of the apartment as her and Niall waved goodbye to Dublin as Niall sped off in his car on his way to West Meath.

"Let me be DJ" Noelle begged as Niall gave in and let her have control over the radio. She synced her Spotify and played the album Up All Night.

Niall laughed hysterically as the words played and he sang along cheering and whooping.

Your Insecure,Don't know what for. Turning heads when you walk through the door. Don't need makeup,to cover up. Being the way that you are is enough

"You know what i never actually realised that your a good singer!" Noelle jokes and Niall rolls his eyes and laughs.

Yesterday they had went through all the details of Noelles boozy night out and discussed every minor detail. They had promised each other they would never over-react over a situation ever again.

"Ive never heard you sing beauty. Come on. Give us a song"Niall says stopping at the traffic light.

Noelle blushes "right okay. Don't laugh at me just cause your amazing"

"Id never laugh baby. Unless you were absolutely dog shit and apparently your not" Niall laughs and Noelle smiles and Puts on Halo-Beyonce

"Remember Those Walls i built. Well baby they're tumbling down. And they didn't even put up a fight. They didn't even make a sound. I found a way to let you in but i never really had a doubt. Standing under the light of my Halo. Ive got my angel now"Noelle sang softly and her and Niall harmonized on  the chorus

"I can see your Halo (Halo)"

"Star your so good baby!"Niall says shocked as he turns to look at his beautiful girlfriend singing happily.

"Thank you baby" she giggles shyly.

"No like.. that was actually perfect babe."

"aw Ni" Noelle smiles sweetly

Noelles POV

"This is my mams gaff" Niall smiles pulling outside the house and parking in the driveway. I was excited to finally meet Maura. I knew Niall loved her and she was important to him. He got up and knocked on the door excitedly holding my hand cause i was nervous. I was carrying a bottle of wine and a gift bag with a candle and a precious photo of Niall i took of him on stage.


"Niall Love How are you my boy?" Maura smiled with tears in her eyes as she opens the door and embraces her 21 year old son.

"Im good mam. This is my girlfriend Noelle who i've told you loads of good things about. Correct?" Niall smiles happily

"Yes you have dear. Come here and give us a squeeze Noelle. Niall tells me your from Dublin!"

"I am yeah. Living in London though"

"Ah like Niall. Well its lovely to meet you Noelle. Your awfully pretty" Maura says smiling

"Thank you!"

"No problem. Let me call Chris. Come in. Chris!!"

Maura leads us into the kitchen and Chris follows us in

"Niall! How are you son?" He smiles pulling Niall in for a tight hug.

"Im doing great thanks Chris"

"Thats good to hear. Now look at this pretty woman! Wow you did good didn't you!"

"I did!"

"Hi im Noelle" i smile and Chris hugs me. He was gentle.

"Lovely to meet you Noelle. Now im hoping no grandkids any time soon?" Chris says raising an eyebrow and I blush and Niall rolls his eyes and laugh.


"Do you have any siblings Noelle?" Chris asks as we all eat our dinner

"Yeah ive a sister, Hayley"

"Wow! Your mam myst love having two girls! I'd swap Niall and Greg any day for two daughters." Maura says smilimg her happy grin

I smile "err yeah she did. My mam passed away four years ago because of suicide"

"Oh my god Noelle im so sorry love!" Maura said rushing up from her chair to hug me and i smile. It was nice to be hugged by a warm loving mother again. But of course nothing beats your own.

"Its alright. Thanks for the hug. It was needed"

"No problem darling. Niall i hope you hug that woman every day"

I laugh and he agrees.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Niall smiles as we lay on the couch comfortably

"This is us" i giggle

"Your joking" niall laughs as he pulls me on top of him.

"No this is us is like my favorite movie" i smile being deadly serious.

"Err. Okay" niall laughs

"I feel weird watching myself on screen again. The last time i watched this was at the premiere."

"I watch it daily babe" i joke and smirk at Niall.

"Can we watch grown upssssss" Niall begs


"Yeah fine" i finally agree because not gonna lie. Watching this is us and fangirling next to the actor is kind of awkward.

"Yay thanks" Niall laughs flicking off the movie and playing grown ups as i ate the popcorn.


"Are you tired baby"Niall laughs picking me up bridal style and carrying me up to his bedroom.

"are we going to bed" i mutter

"Yeah love come on. Shush its okay"

"Okay" i yawn softly and rest my head in the crook of Nialls neck.

"I love you" i whisper as i fall asleep in my bra and underwear.

"I love you more baby. Goodnight"

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