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Niall wrapped his arms around Noelle and looked at her.

"What?" She smiles

"Your gorgeous you know that don't you?"

"niallllll" she giggles

"I'm being serious Noelle your amazing and gorgeous. I'm so grateful I met you"

"Thank you Niall. I've never been happier to be honest" she smiles back at him kissing his lips softly

"You two are so mushy it makes me sick" laughs Louis

Niall sticks up his middle finger at Louis

"Right back at ya bud!" Says Louis copying Nialls gesture.

Noelle rests her head on Nialls shoulder, the smell of his cologne spread through her airways.

"you smell good" she giggles

"Mhm you want some?" Niall asks

Noelle nods and Niall picks up his bang from the floor handing her the bottle as she spritzes herself with the Armani Mania bottle.

"this isn't that exspensive" Noelle smiles

Niall raises his eye

"80 euros is a lot babe"

"Yeah but I got it for my dad for Christmas, it's affordable. Didn't break my bank balance" she smiles

"Not for everyone love. And your dad has good taste. I like him"

"He likes you too" she smiles

"So your meeting tomorrow? Liam told me earlier that you and Lottie were going off"

"yeah baby. I'm signing up for a management "

"Noe im so happy for you baby" he smiles softly

"None of this would of happened if it weren't for you Ni. Thank You"

"Its Okay Love. I couldn't help that you were sexy and that I wanted you in my bed"

"Niall!" She giggles swatting his arm and he pulled her onto his lap as he scrolled through Twitter.

Noelle watched his timeline when a picture of Noelle appeared on it and he quickly skipped by it

"Hey whats that?" She asks knowing that she didn't have twitter

"Er.. im sorry babe but it's hate. You shouldn't read it" he frowns

Noelles smile faded

"What did they say?"

"Nothing important love"

"Niall what did they fucking say" Noelle demanded

The group turned to look at the couple.

"Hey relax." Niall says looking at the blonde as he passed her his phone

unknownuser378: Niall horan has a new tramp of a girlfriend whos a fan? This bitch 100% was a prostitute sending him nude pictures for him to go out with her. Highly disapointed in you @niallofficial

Noelles eyes glistened with tears

"Don't let it upset you baby. We know the true story don't we?" Niall says kissing her neck

"yeah it still hurts though .."

"That's why I was trying to hide it from you love" Niall frowns and Noelle pouts

"Don't get upset baby"

"I'm nottttt. It's just. Ah I don't know. It doesn't matter"

"What Noe?" Niall asks

"After my mom died I got a lot of hate too. There was speculations in school that my dad killed her and just wanted her money and bla bla bla. Obviously it wasn't true. I just don't deal with hate well at the best of times" Noelle smiles weakly

"What do you mean ?" Niall asks worried

"3 years ago. I tried to commit suicide in the same place where my mom commit. It was so hard and heartbreaking. I sat on the edge Niall. I was letting myself down when a man came up behind me and pulled me back."

Niall nods waiting for her to continue.

"He told me that I was loved. I told him my story. He listened to me for hours. Do you want to know who that person was Niall?"

Niall nods a silent yes.

"That person was your father Niall. He asked me did I know of you and I told him barely. He told me about you and your life journey. So when I got home that night I googled one direction. You saved me without even realising it."

Night Changes {N•H}Where stories live. Discover now