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Monday April 4th 2015
Noelles POV
Today, Niall,Harry,Louis and I were taking a trip back to Harrys home town, Holmes Chapel to get away from the chaos before the award show this Saturday.

"I can't wait to see Anne" Niall smirks knowing it would wind up Harry.

"Yeah shes a milf isn't she?"Louis says joining in

"Proper sexy" Niall mutters and Harry scoffs

"Shut up about my mum. Nialler your girlfriends in the car too, give it a rest" Harry says rolling his eyes.

"Jesus Harry. Noelle you come sit in the front with him, i feel like he's gonna be annoyed with me" Louis smirks cheekily as Harry stops the car.

"Ofcourse my girlfriend has to move"Niall pouts

"Hmm you go sit in the front with Harry then"

"Not the point i want her back here with me for fun" he smirks and Louis covers his ears and eyes

"YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT NIALL THE CHIRCH BOY" Louis says shouting as me and Harry shush the two rowdy boys in the Back.

I blush thinking of Nialls flirty comment and Harry smirks at me as the boys in the back discuss whether football or golf was better.

"what?" I hissed at a cheeky looking Harry.

"Im surprised your not a mum of 5 yet the way you two are at it" he giggles and i roll my eyes

"Its called the implant Harry." I wink

Harry laughs and I say "so you and lou?"

"Nothing anymore.. just friends" Harry sighs

"How come?"

"We had a talk yesterday and he told me he and Briana slept together so that was enough for me to be honest Noe"

"Im so sorry Hazza, i know you two love each other deep down.. people make shit mistakes when theure drunk haz. Has he apologized ?"

"Yeah.. so many times. But i don't know what to think.. this week is our make or break week. And we both need to bring girl dates for the award show the weekend"

"Shit yeah who's looking after that?" I ask as Harry stops at traffic lights.

"Management" he says with a roll of his eyes and i sigh.

"You going with Nialler obviously?"

"Yep. I have a dress fitting as soon as come back from Holmes Chapel and then im ready to go" i say softly and Harry smiles.

"Your first proper event"

"Yeah its gonna be wild!" I giggle and Harry agrees.

We were into the remaining 15 minutes of the journey when i urged Harry to pull over as i felt Violently ill.

Niall jumped out of the car with me as Lou and Haz waited for me to finish vomiting while
My boyfriend comforted me.

"My poor baby" Niall says wiping my face with the and of his t-shirt and i wiped the tears forming in my eyes. I hated getting sick.

Louis tossed out a piece of gum and a bottle of water so i could rinse my mouth.

"I feel shitty" i mumble as i get back into the car, now in the back cuddled up to Niall.

"You probably have a stomach bug star. I have some tablets in my bag, you can take one when we get to Harrys mams"

I nod softly and rest my head and close my eyes on Nialls shoulder till we finally arrived at Harrys Mams and Stepdads house.


"Mum this is Noelle, Nialls girlfriend. And you obviously know Niall and Louis already"

"Ooh Hello Noelle! Such a pleasure to meet you lovely! Im Anne as you may know already. How are you all?"

"Good Anne, Noelle was sick in the car on the way over so she just wants to rest today" Niall frowns.

"Oh no! Are you alright? Ill cancel dinner reservations" Anne frowns as she picks up her phone

"No! Don't do that! You all can still go ill just chill out in bed and catch up on work stuff" i say, trying not to be a bother to Anne.

"Well.. i don't want to leave you here alone if your unwell dear. Actually Gemma is here, she can look after you and you can have a girly night in together while me Robin and the three boys go for a quick dinner if thats okay?"

"Yeah thats perfect Anne, thank you" i say softly as Niall wraps his arms around me.

"Harry are you and Lou taking your room or..?"

Louis looks at Harry hopefully

"Yeah. Nialler and Noe can take the guest room then"

"Yeah okay. I needed to put new sheets in your room Harry but i didnt get around to doing them so Niall and Noelle you can go set up and put your case away and relax for a few while Harry and Louis set up their room"

"Perfect thanks Anne" Niall smiles as we head up the stairs behind Harry and Louis and walk into the bedroom with an en-suite.

"This is pretty" i say hopping onto the bed over looking fields of beautiful green grass.

"Yeah refreshing from London isn't it"

"Reminds me of Ireland" i say softly

"We will Be back to ireland soon my love"Niall says rubbing my thigh

"yeah i know. You must feel so home sick all the time"

"You are my home now, so when im with you.. no never" he says kissing my forehead as we take a relaxing but steamy shower together before he gets ready for dinner and i get ready for a chill night with Gemma.

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