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Monday The 1st Of December 2014

Noelles POV

I woke up the next morning with tear stained cheeks and makeup all over my pillow. I Couldn't think straight so i didn't text Niall back. How stupid was i.

I got up and headed straight for my shower. I had a late class today so i had plenty of time to sort things out with Niall before i went in for my final week of college.

I dried my hair straight when i got out and coeansed my face. I got changed into leggings and a jumper and sat on the couch and opened my phone. I reread Nialls text and the tears slipped down my face again.

I brushed them away

Noelle🤍: niall baby im so sorry its not what it looks like. Please forgive me tour the one who said not to believe everything you read online or in the paper. Please baby. Please

I waited around 15 minutes before Niall texted back

Niall❤️: listen noe, i know but i purposely said to you stay away from men because i know what the press are like, they make up stories. This gives us both a bad reputation

Noelle🤍: he is literally a friend. He slid into my dms 2 months ago. I declined him because i wasn't ready to date yet.

Niall❤️: wow so you were ready to date when it came to dating me? Is this all a fucking game Noelle? A game for my money?

Noelle🤍: are you fucking serious right now! A game! For your money??? When have i EVER asked you for anything Niall.. exactly never. Even when it comes to us moving in together i already told you i want to pay half. Don't tell me im all about the money when im so obviously not. I wasnt ready to date because i was still grieving my fucking mother.

Niall❤️: fuck sake i know your not, im sorry for assuming. Look Noelle im really in not a good mind frame to talk right now i need to go talk to my manager and your manager to see what we should do. Ill text you again when im ready to speak.

Noelle🤍: niall no. We dont need our managers involved. I still love you. Ill always love you.

Niall❤️: i love you too baby i always will. But we do need to bring our managers into this and im just still upset and hurt and i need some time.

Noelle🤍: are we breaking up..

Niall❤️: no. i dont think so. look ill talk to you soon star.

Noelle🤍: im sorry i love you

*opened 5 minutes ago*

I wiped my tears from my eyes. I didnt know what the future held for me and Niall because of one stupid mistake of being photographed too up close and personal with another man.

I took in a deep breath and smiled softly and turned off my phone. I needed a break from the media.


"Well done great work today everyone. 3 more lessons to go and then your finished college!" The professor smiles as we all exit the college building.

I was approached by two women possibly around the age 26 ish. They were older then me anyways

"How could you cheat on Niall, you horrible slag. You deserve to die like your mother"

I looked at them and tears dripped down my face as the two women walked away from me quickly.

I walked back home to my apartment tears running down my face. I was starving. I hadn't ate all day.

I went home and ignored any messages that came through to my phone and i just slipped under my duvet cover until i fell asleep till the next morning

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