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"Am i gaining weight?" Noelle asks while looking in the mirror.

"No" Niall laughs smiling at her

"maybe I'm just bloated from all the fatty food"

"Yeah I need to start eating healthy too actually. It's kinda hard when your on tour"

"Baby you look fine" Noelle smiles kissing Niall.

"So do you noe"

"hahaah thanks but when I get to Dublin 100% my fridge is going to be low fat food only"

"If some Dublin lad asks you on a date you'll say no won't you?"

"Yeah ofcourse babe. Why are you worried?"

"well.. I just .. in the past girls have ditched me .. many times. I really like you. I want a future with you. So I can't lose you Noelle"

"hey I love you aswell. And being with you in living my dream and every fans dream. I wouldn't swap this for anything"

Niall pulls Noelle close to him and kisses her.

"are you getting drunk tomorrow night?" NOelle asks Niall as they stand together in the living room."

"Not if you don't want me to love"

"Well it's my last night in London... so.. I think we should get pissed" Noelle smirks

"Yes! Sounds like a plan"

"And really hot sex" Noelle winks and Niall blushes

"You not on your period still?"Niall says raising his eyebrow

"Well tomorrow will be day 3 and that's near the end. So.. I'm up for a tiny bit of blood if you are"

"Ofcourse babe. Once it doesn't hurt you I'm okay with it"

"It wont. I'll be drunk anyways" Noelle laughs picking up her bag.

"Heyy you going now?" Niall questions

"Yeah baby it's 8.00 and I've to be home for 8.30 and by the time I get the bus and-"

"I'll give you a lift home at 20 past 8. So come here and give me cuddles"

Noelle giggles and lies on Niall kissing him

"I'm gonna miss this" Noelle pouts

"It will be only for a month! And then we're going to Mullingar love"

"yeah.. will your mam and chris let us sleep together?" Noelle asks curiously since her father didn't let them.

"Yeah in my Mams we will be fine. When we go to my dads for the weekend. Em im not actually sure. Greg and Denise never we're allowed .. but who knows"

Noelle nods kissing along Nialls arms.

"Fuck Niall. I really love you so much" she says her eyes watering

"Hey baby don't cry are you alright?

"Yeah.. I just.. ugh. It's so surreal. I love you. Like I really love you."

"I love you too babe" Niall says kissing the small blonde.

"And I cant wait to marry you, and have a pet with you, and have a house with you, and have kids with you"Niall says again

"Your an angel. I'm blessed to have you Loverboy"

"I'm blessed to have you too star." Niall says checking the time

"Now sorry to break our special moment but ..
We need to Drive you home" Niall says sighing and hugging his girlfriend again.


"Bye i love you. See you tomorrow lover"

"Love you way more Blondie. Talk to you later baby. Love you"Niall says as he drives away

"Hi dad" noelle smiles as she unlocks the door and sits down on the sofa beside Hayley.

"Hiya love. Right are we ready to watch Boyhood?"

"Yeah I'm ready" Noelle says pulling the blanket from the sofa down over her.

"Yeah me too" says Hayley biting a biscuit

"Right. Everyone hush. We're in the cinema" Hugh winks and the girls smile.

For as long as they could remember, Hugh,Niamh,Hayley and Noelle had always watched a movie on a Friday night with sweets after their dinner. It had become a tradition. After Niamh passed away Hugh had felt stronger then ever about the tradition and wanted to keep it up for as long as possible. There had never been any boyfriends allowed to the movie night as it was something Hugh wanted to keep for himself and his girls, as their boyfriends had his daughters most of the time he needed to have this special moment with them weekly. Hugh was pushing 60. It was a regular gene in his family that the men passed away near enough 68 ish meaning that Hugh if he had the gene, had only 10 years left with his daughters, which was heartbreaking to think about


"That movie was great" Hayley says tidying away the sweets from the sitting room.

"Yeah really good"Noelle agrees opening her phone to check the time 11.15pm

"I'm gonna head to bed. My next two days are going to be busy."

"Yeah see you in the morning. Night Noe"

"Night dad. Night Hayles"

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