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Our life is full of misfortunes and mishaps. Sometimes, we think that life is just as a mass of detrimental misery and endless affliction. We could not find the reason why we should continue living our life with deep purpose and greater value. Although, we have been taught about the primordial cycle of stay still, hold on, let go and move forward. 

However, words are not indelible as actions. Once you lost the ink to write another letter of encouragement for yourself, you'll dreadfully regret everything that you did and you haven't done — and sometimes out of cognizance, we tend to blame our anguish to other people. We sulk in the middle of the dark corner, retracing our skin with an empty pen until our holy flesh spits blood of agony and loneliness. We muttered spatters of regrets, worries, doubts and anxieties. We hesitate on the deeds that we are about to do because we are unwarily reluctant of its outcome. We are afraid that we may have chosen the wrong decision and miss the right opportunity  or; we may have chosen the right decision but it affects our personal principles and the feelings of other people around us. We wanted to perfectly hit two birds at one stone but we decided not to make it happen because we are horribly frightened by the fact that we may eternally lose the chance to do it over again. It's an all for nothing or nothing at all situation.

Pertinent to all of those abhorrent experiences in our life, we choose decisions based on our personal tolerance, decisions that we could tolerate and decisions that would remunerate us a fruitful benefit in return. Sometimes, we make decisions out of rush, out of pressure, out of greed and out of our desire to covet something that we should not desire in the first place. We seek for things that would make us happy without even asking ourselves as to how could we make the happiness last.

My dearest readers, I just wanted to let you know that life is a reality itself. Life is not a word where you could dress it with splendid flowers to make it more colorful and lively blooming out. No matter how much you try to define life with all the sugarcoated phrases that you know, it would just be useless, not until you learn how to deeply fathom about your purpose in life.

If you feel weary, sad and you don't know what to do anymore, please try to contemplate and ask yourself; what is my purpose in life? Am I just a lowbrow person here who is just about to study at school, make friends, finish college, go to my desired profession and then simply die one day? Is there any way to attain happiness that I could bring until the day I perish from the land?

I'm sure you'd have these answers in your mind: 1) to spread love. 2) to serve God , 3) to help other people in need

But have you ever made it happen? Did it made you feel like everything is just for mere responsibility or obligation and you have to do it because you think it is what you should do? Have you ever done it several times without getting tired of it? Did the happiness last? Did it answer your question as to what is your real purpose in life?

Lucky for you if you do — but just like the wreaking storm disguised in a beautiful weather, the flower that is about to die on a winter season, the sunset that sleeps during the nighttime, everything has a limit. Everything ends. Everything vanishes like the dunes that sprungs on the desert wind. Everything has its own finish line.

But if there is such thing as new beginning, I also believe that there is such word as endless ending. Living our lives does not simply end whenever you have already achieved something you had yearned throughout your whole life. Life is not a linear line with constant direction of destination. We have different paths that we could venture and look forward in life. We could create our own tunnels and make our desired destination out of our own faith to God.

To make it general, the purpose of your life could only be found when you think about yourself as the real purpose of living life. As similar to those conventional versers that we hear, 'we could only make a difference when we start the change within ourselves first' — believe that you yourself is the purpose.

Candle of Placid ConcussionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon