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Hello everyone. Wolfsun97 here and welcome to How I met My Harem (Solomon Arc Edition). You know...when I first created the original How I Met My Harem, I never thought it would become such an important part of my life. Now after creating multiple books based on an idea that I had one day three years ago, I can't imagine my life without this series.

Now as the original book is about to reach 100k views, I decided to put all chapters that include the Solomon Arc and Epic of Remnant Arc of Fate/GO in one book. That means all the main chapters of How I met my Harem 1-3. This book will not include the special chapters that were part of those books will stay in their respective books.

Don't worry, there will be more How I met My Harem books in the future. I'm actually planning on How I met My Harem 4 as we speak. Also since I'm still currently writing How I met My Harem 3, when I finished uploading the new chapters there, I will also upload the chapters here as well. So with that being said, I hope you all enjoy this book.

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