How I met Gorgon Medusa

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*This chapter is taking place during the Six Million Download Campaign. I hope you all enjoy this chapter.*

It was peaceful day in Chaldea. After all the craziness that happened an month ago in Seraph, Ryan could finally relax. For once, no one was trying to kill him, there was no villains to stop, and there was nothing that the boy had to do. So, it felt like it was the perfect time to kick back and catch up on one of favorite D&D shows: Critical Role. The brown haired boy loved this show, but because of the craziness that usually happens in Chaldea, Ryan was severely behind in the campaign. However, it seemed like he could finally catch up a least until Ishtar kicked down his bed room door just as the episode had started.

"Hey!," the Archer class servant exclaimed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

"Watching D&D.," the boy said slightly confused and a little annoyed. "So, why is the beautiful goddess Ishtar gracing me with her presence?"

"Cut the sarcasm.," the goddess warned with a glare. "Why aren't you trying to summon more copies of me? Don't you want me at full capacity?"

The boy thought for a moment to figure out what the brown haired girl was talking about. "Oh yeah. Da Vinci mention that I could try to summon more copies of you to raise your Noble Phantasm. It completely slipped my mind."

"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that.," Ishtar said very frustrated. "So, what are you waiting for? Get summoning!"

Ryan just shrugged and turned his episode back on. "Nah. I think I'll pass. I'm trying to save up for Maid Alter."

"What?!," the pseudo-servant yelled causing her master to wince in pain from the intense of volume of her voice. "What did you just say?! You're saving up to summon another girl?! Why would you do that when you have the perfect woman: me!!! Men would kill to be in your position!!! I should smite you fo—"

"Fine! I'll try to summon more copies of you!," the boy exclaimed very annoyed.

"Thank you, Master~," Ishtar said as she sweetly kissed the boy on the cheek. "I'll reward you later for being a good boy."

"Yeah...sure you will.," Ryan said as he began drawing a summoning circle.

After few minutes, it was done as he began the summoning ritual as he pulled out a summon ticket. Once it was done, the circle glowed gold as a bright light blinded both Ryan and Ishtar. When the light died down, their eyes widen as they saw a familiar purple hair woman with parts of her body having reptilian scales and her hair looking like snakes.

"Well, what a lovely surprise to see you two again

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"Well, what a lovely surprise to see you two again.," Gorgon Medusa stated with a cold smirk. "I guess you're my new master now, boy."

Both Ryan and Ishtar immediately grew super nervous. The last time they saw the Gorgon, it was during the Seventh Singularity where she tried to wipe out humanity. Sure, she had helped them defeat Tiamat, but that was when she and Ana had fused into one. They were pretty sure that wasn't t the case this time.

Ryan gulped nervously as he hid behind Ishtar. "Yep...I'm your new master. Please don't kill me."

Medusa laughed. "Don't worry, Master. I won't hurt you. I'm your servant now...though I will admit you do look tasty."

Just then, Euryale walked into the room with a smile on her face. "Hey, Master! Do you want have lunch with me? If you're good, I'll let you use my la—"

That's when the Archer class servant saw her younger sister, but in the form that killed her and Stheno. " know what? I'll just come back later."

Then she immediately bolted out of the room as the Avenger class servant followed her. "Wait, sister! Don't run! I just want to give you a hug. I promise I won't eat you...again."

Once, the Gorgon was out of earshot, Ryan turned to Ishtar and have her a cold glare. "You know this is your fault."

"My fault?! You're the one who summoned her!," the goddess exclaimed.

"Only because you forced me too! Now, we have one of the worst monsters in Greek Mythology running around in Chaldea!!," the boy yelled. "We'll be lucky she won't kill us all by the end of the week!"

"Oh calm down.," Ishtar stated as she rolled her eyes. "We'll have BB take her out if she gets out of control. What's the worst that can happen?"

"BB and the Gorgon becoming friends and killing us all.," Ryan suggested.

The Archer class servant eyes widened. "Well...we're doomed. So...want to get something to eat?"

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