How I met Santa Alter

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*This chapter takes place during the 2017 Christmas Event. Please enjoy*

Waking up in the middle of a blizzard was not Ryan's idea. The boy had gone to bed early after being told by Doctor Roman that in two weeks, the Fourth Singularity was going to be ready. So he had gone to bed because he and his servants were going to have training missions and strategic meeting over what they were going to do when they arrived in whatever era the Fourth Holy Grail appeared in. He then woke due to the extreme cold. Now he in the middle of the mountain during a blizzard in his pajamas.

The boy groaned as he shivered in the snow. "What in the world?! How did I get here?!"

"Sorry to drag out of bed, but I need your help.," a familiar voice said causing the brown-haired boy to turn.

He immediately recognized the person next to him, which was his servant, Saber Alter. However, instead of her gothic black dress, she was wearing a dark blue Santa Girl costume with a large sack over her shoulder. Her face also looked gentler than it usually was. Frequently, she had a slight scowl on her face unless she was eating a mountain of junk food, was in the middle of combat, or was cuddling with him in his bed (at the time, she was my favorite servant, so she was always in my room.).

"Saber....why are we on a mountain?" Ryan asked after sneezing from the cold. "What do you need my help? Also, why are you wearing that?"

'Saber' Alter just giggled as she went in her sack and pull a beautiful winter coat out bed handing to Ryan. "Here...that should keep you warm. Also, it seems you've confused me for someone else. While I do look like Saber Alter, I'm a Rider Servant. Call me Santa Alter."


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" mean you're not my Artoria Pendragon? Then why am I here?" the boy asked.

"Because I need your help. You see, I want to rebuild my reputation, and I believe being Santa Claus is the best way to do that.," Santa Alter stated with a smile as she gestured to a nearby sleigh. "So I'm obliviously going to give presents to all the good girls and boys, but I need some help. So basically you're going to be my elf!"

The boy just sighed. "So let me get this kidnapped me in the middle of the night to a mountain in the middle of a blizzard just to hand out presents?"

The girl nodded. "That's correct. Also, could you carry my bag for me? It's heavy."

"Hold on for a second before you hand me that. What do I get out of this?" Ryan asked, somewhat cranky. "While I like helping people, I don't like being forced to do things."

"I get that, and I do plan on rewarding you for your help. After we're done tonight, I'll officially join your party of servants. Also...I'm going to give you this all night.," the girl said as she suddenly grabbed the boy by the collar and kissed him firmly on the lips.

Fireworks went off in his head as his body filled with warmth. When they separated, Ryan immediately picked up the bag and took Santa Alter by the hand as he rushed towards the sleigh.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" he exclaimed with a goofy smile.


As Ryan and Santa Alter walked into Chaldea, the two were exhausted. After delivering all those presents and fighting a ton of servants like Jeanne Alter, both Master and Servant headed towards Ryan's room to get some rest. However, once they got there, they opened to see an angry Saber Alter with Excalibur Morgan.

"Who said you get out of bed and stop cuddling with me?!" she yelled before noticing someone that looked just like her standing next to her beloved master. "Oh, I left me to be with this slut. Well, you filthy cheater...prepare to die!"

The fallen king of Knights charged at them only to trip and knocked herself out as she slammed into the wall. Both Ryan and Santa Alter just sighed as they picked her up and put her in the bed next to them as they passed out. It was beautiful and quiet until Mashu arrived ten minutes later with heart-shaped pancakes.

"Good morning, Master! I brought you bre--oh come on! Not another girl! Where does he keep finding these women?!"

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