How I met Saber Artoria & Lancer Elizabeth Bathory

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*As I stated in the last chapter, this chapter will be taking place in the Fourth Singularity as well, but it will be taking place in the middle of the story after recovering the historical Fran

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*As I stated in the last chapter, this chapter will be taking place in the Fourth Singularity as well, but it will be taking place in the middle of the story after recovering the historical Fran. Please Enjoy*

It was just as Ryan feared. Despite all of his efforts to summon more powerful servants, to train them to the best of their abilities, and figure out the best strategies, the singularity in London a pain the butt. Even though both Saber Alter and Okita slated wave after wave enemies with Mordred, there was just too many of them. Whoever was the main enemy was here in this Singularity, they were not going down easy.

Ryan and the rest of the group had just returned to Dr. Jekyll's home after defeating Mephistopheles and recovering the historical Fran that was a part of this era. Now both Frans were having a pleasant conversation with one another with Mashu and Mordred added the mix. Scathach and Artoria Alter were discussing new strategies with Jekyll while everyone else was taking a break from fighting nonstop. Meanwhile Ryan was staring at the summoning circle had put in the center of the room. Mashu had created the circle when they first arrived and was only to act as a sign as using Jekyll's home as their base operation. However, it seemed like it was time to use it.

As the boy walked towards the circle, only Jekyll noticed as everyone else was too busy doing their own thing. "Ryan? What are you doing?"

"Don't worry about it. I'm just calling in some reinforcements.," the brown haired boy stated with a smile as he began the ritual.

Everyone turned as they tried to stop, but it was too late. The circle flared with an intense golden light and charred the ceiling of  the home. However, no one cared about that except Jekyll as they saw a familiar yet different girl standing in the center the circle. The girl wore a blue dress, had her blonde hair in bun and emerald green eyes with a invisible sword in her hands. Both Saber and Santa Alter's jaws dropped as they saw the true Artoria Pendragon in front of them. 

Artoria looked around the room and immediately looked at Ryan

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Artoria looked around the room and immediately looked at Ryan. "Let me ask. Are you my master?"

Ryan nodded as he was about to speak when Mordred drew her blade and charged at the newly summoned servant. "AARRTHUUURRR!!"

"Mordred?!," the king of Knight exclaimed as she saw her "son" race towards her only for her to see two evil versions of herself clash blades with Mordred.

"Calm down, Mordred.," Artoria Alter said with a glare. "Now isn't the time for this. We can settle this later like we discussed earlier. We have to save London."

Mordred sighed as she remembered when she had tried to kill both Alters that they agreed to fight her once London was saved. "Fine..., but I'm so going enjoy killing all three of you later. Three fathers mean three times the fun for me."

With that, the Knight of Treachery walked away grumbling as Artoria turned to her new master. "Do I even want to know why you summoned two evil versions of myself or why Mordred is here?"

"It's a long story..., but I hope you'll still help us.," the brown haired boy admitted.

"Of course I will...I'm the once and future king of Britain.," the Saber servant stated. "Perhaps I was summoned because when Britain needs me most, I'm here to save it."

"Yeah!," the other two versions of Artoria said in agreement.

"Umm...has anyone else noticed that the circle is still glowing?," Mashu asked as everyone looked down to see the circle about to erupt again.

"Oh Crapbaskets...," Ryan said as the circle erupted in another golden light charring him and all three Artorias.

"Not my ceiling again!!," Jekyll cried as another yet familiar figure was standing in the middle the circle

Everyone except Elizabeth immediately groaned as they saw a servant they saw in France, Rome, and when she got a Grail during Halloween. Once again, the group was in the midst of Elizabeth Bathory summoned as a Lancer.

"Hi everyone! It's nice to see you again!!," Lancer Elizabeth exclaimed as Caster Elizabeth ran up to her and hugged her

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"Hi everyone! It's nice to see you again!!," Lancer Elizabeth exclaimed as Caster Elizabeth ran up to her and hugged her. "Oh hi other me!"

"Hey there!," Caster said  as she turned to her master smiled. "Look master! Now you have two of me now! Now we can give London the best concert of their lives."

Saber Alter just raised her sword. "Hey other  Artorias. I've found the evil we need to slay. No one should have to suffer through two Elizabeths."

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