How I met Artoria Alter

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Seven Million Download Event.*

It was that time again. It was time for another Million Download campaign meaning a rare servant could be summoned. This kind of thing always happened a couple of times every year. I the past, Ryan could manage to summon Archer Ishtar, Jalter, and other fantastic servants....which he had already summoned in the past. While the boy would love have some of his favorite servants increase their NP level, the master of Chaldea rather not waste his Saint Quartz. Besides, he was saving up for this year's Christmas event.

Besides, the rare servant who could be summoned during this campaign was the Mage of Flowers himself, Merlin....a servant Ryan already had. The brown haired boy had managed to summon the white haired mage right before the final battle with Goetia and ever since then, Merlin had become his best Caster class servant. However, the mage drives the master of Chaldea crazy sometimes especially when Caster told him that a new version of Artoria could be summoned and it turned out to be Arthur. He was still happy about summoning the Alternate King of Knights, but Ryan didn't appreciate Merlin's pranks.

So, when the Mage of Flowers knocked on his door, the brown haired boy, who had been taking a nap at the time, just stared at the door for a moment before rolling over and going back to sleep.

"Master!," Merlin shouted from the other side. "I know you're in there! Open up!! I have a surprise for you!"

"Go away Merlin!," Ryan replied as he tried to go back to sleep. "I'm not going to roll for you again this time! I need to save my Saint Quartz for Ereshkigal!"

Caster immediately began to knock on his door even harder. "Master! Please open the door! I promise you'll like this surprise!"

"That's what you said when I summoned Arthur!," the master exclaimed.

"Are you still mad about that?," the incubus asked. "You may have not got what you wanted, but you still get along with Arthur quite well. Besides, I never lied. I told you that a new version of my king was available to summon. I just didn't tell you which version it was."

"That's not helping your case!," Ryan yelled starting to get annoyed. "Can we do this later? I'm trying to get some sleep."

"I'm not going anywhere until you open this door and accept the surprise I brought you.," Merlin said causing the boy to groan in frustration.

"Fine, but this better be good!," Ryan said as he got out of bed and marched towards the door.

As soon as he opened the door, he expected it to be one of Merlin's pranks. However, instead he got something truly surprising. Standing next to the Mage of Flowers was familiar woman in black armor. She looked just like Lancer Artoria except her hair and eyes were a pale blonde. The boy remembered seeing this servant before back during the Fourth Singularity when the Demonic Fog summoned one more servant to finish Ryan and his servants off. The servant standing in front of him was the King of Storms, Lancer Artoria Pendragon Alter.

 The servant standing in front of him was the King of Storms, Lancer Artoria Pendragon Alter

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"So, you must be my new master.," Lancer Alter stated bluntly as she kneeled in front the boy. "I am Lancer Artoria. I have been summoned upon your request. Just as my beloved horse can swallow thunder clouds, my spear will break through every rampart. I will crush everything that will stand in your way."

" you like your surprise?," Merlin asked with a smirk serious master nosebleed at the sight of the Alter servant.

"I'm not going to even ask how you managed to do this.," Ryan said as he gave the wizard a thumbs up. "Good job. You have finally redeemed yourself. Now if you excuse me, Lancer and I need to become better acquainted...."

The boy immediately took one of Lancer's hand and started to walk her into the room. At least that what he tried to do until the King of Storms noticed Saber Mordred walking down the hall with a pile of junk food.

"Is that my son? What does she think she is doing?," Artoria said as she pulled away from her new master and started marching towards the Saber of Red. "Mordred!! What do you think you're wearing?"

The Saber class servant just turned to see an altered version of her father's Lancer form walk up to her with a scowl her face. "Father?! Did Ryan manage to summon another version of you?! Wait...what's wrong with what I'm wearing?!"

"No son of mine is going to be dressed in such skimping clothes!!!," Lancer yelled. "Now put your armor on!"

"Like you're one to talk!," Mordred screamed. "Your outfit is even more skimpy than mine!"

"I can wear I want! I'm the parent!," Lancer Alter exclaimed angrily.

Ryan and Merlin just stood there was they continued to watch the argument from a aft with the most confused looks on their faces. A version of Artoria that actually saw Mordred as their child? It shouldn't be possible.

"Merlin?," the master asked. "Do you have any idea what just happened?"

The Mage of Flowers shrugged. "I have no idea, but this is somewhat entertaining to watch. I can't wait to see what will happen when my other kings see this!"

Suddenly, Merlin felt something tap him on his shoulder as the Caster servant turned to see an angry Saber Alter and Lancer Artoria glaring at him. "Oh crap baskets......"

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