How I met Jeanne D'Arc Alter

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*This chapter takes place at the end of the Da Vinci and the Seven Counterfeit Servant's event which happened to take place on my twenty first birthday. Please Enjoy*

Ryan was dead tired as he walked through Chaldea. He and his group of servants had just gotten back from helping Da Vinci, and another version of Archer Emiya defeat all seven Counterfeit Servants. The battle was long and hard not only because the enemies were stronger than expected, but it was especially tricky since it was his birthday. The boy was turning twenty-one, and instead of celebrating with all of his friends, he was forced to fight evil like he did every day. Now he was so tired that all he wanted to do was go to bed.

However, as he trudged toward his room, Ryan, for some reason, was thinking about the servant behind his latest problem: Jeanne D'Arc Alter. He had first met her several months ago when he and Mashu had first begun searching for the Holy Grail in the Seven Singularities. Back then, Jeanne had an entire army of dragons and berserk servants behind her as she tried to destroy France. Luckily, they barely managed to defeat her, but strangely, it wasn't the last time they would see her.

The second time he saw her was when Saber Alter had forced them to fight in a space she created to toughen him up only once again barely managing to defeat her. The time after that was during the Christmas season when he and Santa had been delivering Christmas presents when they stumbled across the fallen holy maiden torturing a bunch of priests. Now, she was the mastermind behind the Counterfeit servants. It seemed no matter how much time or how much his group improved, she was always there to fight them like an angry stalker. However...when they had fought her this time, and she smiled at Ryan the whole time while giving him an obsessive look. She looked at him the same way she looked at those priests: a new plaything ready to destroy. The boy was glad that Scathach and MHX( Mysterious Heroine X) was able to defeat her quickly this time. Hopefully, things were finally over with the Dragon Witch.

Finally, the boy arrived at his room as he walked in only to be immediately tripped, causing him to fall face first. His vision darkening as he felt his consciousness faded, but not before seeing a feminine figure hovering over him.

"Goodnight my love." a familiar voice stated as he entirely passed out. "Sorry, but I'm not quite ready for you yet, but don't worry....we'll get to 'play' so enough..."


The first thing Ryan felt when he woke up was the pain pulsing in his head. He felt like he been hit upside the head with a baseball bat. The boy groaned as he tried to get up....only to struggle against restraints on his arms and leg with a weight on his lap. The boy's eyes widened as he saw that his limbs were tied to the bedposts on his bed, and his lap was a familiar girl. A girl that he could have sworn that he saw dissolve an hour ago when he saw Scathach pierced her with Gae Bolg.

"Hey there, boy!" Jeanne Alter said wearing modern clothes with a smile on her

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"Hey there, boy!" Jeanne Alter said wearing modern clothes with a smile on her. "I was wondering when you were going to wake up. So...aren't you happy to see me?"

The boy gulped nervously. "Umm...of course I am...but didn't I see you die? How are you here and why did you tie me to my bed?!"

The fallen holy maiden smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Well...let's say that I was able to come back through the power of love. You see, I've been interested in you for a while...the man who has beaten me time and time again. You; first, I hated you. I could stand losing to a pathetic human like you, but with each defeat, I saw how determined you were to save humanity that my own dark heart started to skip a beat whenever I saw you after you defeat in France....that's when I fell in love with you."

"But you've tried to kill me every time you saw me.," the boy stated calmly trying not to freak out. "Also if you love me, are you going to help save humanity?"

"Maybe. Also, I only tried to kill you because you were with those other girls. You are always so close to them because you spend so much time with those thots, but don't worry. While you were asleep, I created a Master/Servant pact with you, so now I can always be with you because you belong to me...and me alone.," Jeanne started with a cold smile as she began to lean forward. "I'm going to take my time slowly corrupting you until you're the perfect man for me. So how about we start raising our bond level Master?"

With that, she firmly slammed her lips on Ryan's, forcing her tongue into his mouth. She quickly overpowered him as the Altered servant explored her new territory. She then moved her arms towards his waist as she went to remove his pants, but cut off when the door suddenly swung open. The two separated as they saw all of Ryan's servants standing in the doorway with presents and a Happy Birthday banner. In front of everyone else was Mashu with a Dutch chocolate cake in her hands.

"Happy Birthday, Senpai!! Congratulations on tur--what is she doing here?!" the Shielder servant yelled dropping the cake.

"You just killed the cake...," both Artoria and Artoria Alter stated before hugging each and started crying.

"Argh!!!," Jeanne screamed as she gave the others death glares. "Why did you guys ruin the moment?! I was about to get the fun part!"

"Umm...can someone unties me now?" Ryan asked. "My wrists are beginning to hurt."

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