How I met Mysterious Heroine X Alter

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*This chapter will be taking place during the Fate Grand 2019 Valentines Event.*

Valentines Day was here again, and just like last year, every single female servant in Chaldea ran to the kitchen and started making chocolate for their master, Ryan. Even Enkidu was there, making their own chocolate for their master. ( By the way, Enkidu is apparently genderless. So should I include as a part of the Harem? Let me know in the comments.) Each girl was determined to make the perfect chocolates to give to the man they all love in hopes that he would love only them.

Meanwhile, Ryan was walking down the halls of Chaldea with a ton of chocolates that he was already given by some of his servants already. So far, the boy had received chocolates from Lancer Scathach, Artoria, Artoria Alter, Okita, Mordred, Jeanne Alter Santa Lily, Santa Alter, Anne & Mary, Ishtar, Mysterious Heroine X, Jeanne, and Jalter (I grinded a lot during this event). He had so much chocolate that he had to put them all in a box and carry to his room where he was currently heading.

However, as he walked, the brown haired boy felt like he was being watched. Every time he turned a corner, he noticed someone with pale blonde hair staring at him. At first, he thought it was one of his Alter servants, but he had already got Valentines chocolates from all of them and they are normally super forward with what they wanted. So, he had no idea what was going on and he was starting to get slightly freak out.

That's when Ryan got an idea to draw his stalker out. As he arrived at his room, he placed the box of chocolates on the floor and pretended to slowly look for his keys to his room. While he did this, the brown haired boy heard someone trying sneak up behind him. Once they were close enough, he immediately turned around to see...Artoria Alter, but she seemed different. She was wearing glasses, a Japanese schoolgirl uniform with a familiar looking red scarf, and leggings. She looked both extremely cute and sexy at the exact same time.

"Umm... hi. So, what are you doing?," the boy asked. "Why are you following me?"

The Artoria Alter lookalike smiled. "Easy. I'm here to kidnap you."

The next thing Ryan knew, everything went black. When he came to his senses, he found himself tied to his bed with his attacker straddling him. He immediately groaned as the girl smirked seeing that he was awake.

"I'm glad to see you're awake. I thought I may have accidentally killed you.," she stated cheerfully.

" didn't. Now, can you tell me who you are and why are you doing this?," Ryan asked now slightly annoyed.

"Certainly. I'm Mysterious Heroine X Alter and I kidnapped you to lure out my counterpart, so I can kill her.," the Alter servant said with a smile.

Ryan immediately glared at the girl on top of her

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Ryan immediately glared at the girl on top of her. "What?! Why do you want to her?!"

"Simple. I was created to eliminate her.," MHX Alter stated before she started caressing the boy's cheek. "However, I might delay that as you currently interest me more. You were able to detect me earlier and I have to admit that you have a lot of girls who look like me as your servants. Also I noticed you also a lot of Alter servants as, do you have a thing for bad girls?"

The boy nervously looked away. "I will neither admit nor deny this..., but why do you care?"

"Well....I think it would better just to steal you from Mysterious Heroine X, instead of killing her. So, I will let you become my master...that way we can always be together. Besides, you're cute when you struggle.," the girl said as she leaned forward and firmly kissed the boy on the lips.

The Alter servant immediately invaded the boy's mouth as she forced him to make out with her. While the kiss got more heated, she started to rip off Ryan's shirt causing his eyes to widen. Was this girl already going to take this to the next level?

Luckily for him, his door was immediately broken down and all of Ryan's female servants, led by MHX, were glaring daggers at MHX Alter as she stopped kissing the boy.  "Could you girls leave? You're ruining the mood."

The other girls just glared as MHX screamed, " Get her!!!"

With that, the girls pounce on the poor berserker servant and beat her to bloody pulp. However, after that, MHX Alter somehow healed herself by eating chocolate and formed a Master-Servant pact with Ryan. Despite how they met, the two of them seemed to get along as they both like junk food and reading. helped she was super sexy in those leggings of hers.

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