How I met Cleopatra

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*This chapter will be taking place during the ending of the Fate/GO Halloween event*

Ryan was done with this year's Halloween event. While he liked the video game theme for this year, he didn't like spending so much time with Elizabeth Brave, and he especially didn't like being spiked down back to Mata Hari's tavern. Now after fighting through every enemy again, Ryan and his group got back to Elizabeth's Castle as he looked up to the Golden Pyramid. Why did it look so familiar?

"Well... look who's back?" Lancer Vlad III stated who was waiting at the entrance, like last time, as he glared at the group focusing on his niece. "So do you know what you lack to rule or do I need to send you back to the beginning again?"

"Yeah...we're not doing that.," Ryan said with a smirk. "We're going to go inside while you play with a friend of mine."

"Oh? Who is this friend of yours?" the Lancer class servant asked.


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"Yourself...," Berserker Vlad III stated as he approached his counterpart. "I understand giving Lizzie a lesson, but if you mess with my Master, you're going to need to be taught a lesson yourself."

The other Vlad smiled as he raised his lance. "Oh, this is going to fun."

The two versions of Vlad III rushed towards each other as their battle began. Meanwhile, Ryan, Mashu, and Elizabeth raced inside the castle fighting anything that got in their way. Eventually, the group found their way into the throne room where Ryan immediately saw a gorgeous woman with Egyptian jewelry and sitting on top of a golden snake. The boy's jaw dropped at her goddess-like beauty, but because of this boy instantly knew the identity of this woman.

"You're Cleopatra, aren't you?" the Master of Chaldea asked causing everyone's eyes to widen.

"You know who I am?! How?" the Assassin class servant exclaimed completely surprised

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"You know who I am?! How?" the Assassin class servant exclaimed completely surprised.

"Simple. I'm Shakespeare and Roman history buff and answering how I've already met Nitocris, that leaves you: Cleopatra the most famous Pharaoh in history.," the boy said with a bright smile. "I'm just wondering how Caesar got a girl like you to be with him."

Cleo smirked at the boy in front of him. "Well's not everyday someone can figure out my True Name just by looking at me. You must recognize my know, I might keep you after throw those little girls with you out of my castle."

"Your castle?! This is my castle, you snake!!!," Elizabeth screamed before turning to her master. "Puppy! Let's skin her alive and get her out of MY castle!!"

"Calm down. Let's try to solve this without solve this peacefully.," Ryan stated before turning his attention to Cleopatra. "So you want to keep me? Fine. Let's make a deal. You fight my servants, and if you win, you keep me and Elizabeth never bothers you again.

"Ok, but what do you get if you win.," the Pharaoh asked, amused.

"If we win, you give Elizabeth back her castle, and you become my servant.," the brown-haired boy exclaimed causing the other two girls' jaws to drop. "I can always use another Assassin class servant."

The Egyptian woman just laughed as she got into a battle stance. "Alright. I agree to your deal. Now let's get this battle the way, what size dog collar do you wear?"

"I'm just going to ignore that.," Ryan said as he and his servants charged into battle against Cleopatra....a battle they won and Cleo reluctantly became Ryan's new Assassin class servant.

However, she didn't mind losing to him too much. She had been recognized by someone who knew who she was: a queen who ruled her people to her dying breath. Now she would follow her new master to wherever he long as she was with him, Cleo didn't care. She had a new toy to play with, and that's all that mattered.

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