Summer Madness Pt.2

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As Ryan and company ran through the jungle, the boy could only think about who could behind this Irregular Singularity. It could another surviving Demon God pillar bent on revenge, a rouge master like Gudako trying to steal his servants, or it could be a million different reasons. The only thing that the master of Chaldea knew that whatever this villain had planned, it wasn't a good things.

However, the brown haired boy was immediately thrown out of his thoughts when he was tackled to the ground by what he believed to be an enemy servant. Mashu and Summmer Scathach immediately stopped in their tracks as they charged at the enemy, but was stopped when another enemy began firing at them. Summer Martha ran towards to help, but barely managed to see that a third enemy raced towards her as she dodged a blade coming at her face.

"Dammit! They managed to catch up with us.," Scathach exclaimed as she defended herself from being shot."

"Why are there three enemies? I only sense two enemy servants!," Martha stated as she decked her attacker a way. "Wait a minute...why are you two here?!"

"Who cares?! We need to save Senpai.," Mashu stated extremely worried for her master's safety.

Meanwhile, Ryan tried to fight on his attacker....until he realized they weren't trying to attack him, but was rubbing themselves against him and drooling on him. The boy turned to see who was on top of him and his eyes widened as his worst nightmare had finally became true. While there were many terrifying servants in Chaldea, there was one who was scarier than the rest because how obsessive than the rest as she believed that Ryan belonged to her and no one else....and no, it's not Jalter, but she's a close second. The servant on top of him was Lancer Summer Kiyohime, the yandere Queen of Chaldea.

"Oh Master! We have finally been reunited!," the crazed girl said

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"Oh Master! We have finally been reunited!," the crazed girl said. "Now, we can be together...forever and ever..."

"Oh god...why me?," Ryan said in complete defeat. "Is this how I die?"

"Hey!," a familiar voice called. "Kiyohime! We agreed that we would share him! I'm sure Master wants some loving from me too."

"Can I remind you both that the boss ordered us to kill him?," another familiar voice said.

"But Mary....the boss's order kinda suck.," the first voice said. "Can't we just have fun with Master instead?"

"Yeah! Can we?!," Kiyohime pleaded as Ryan turned to see a familiar duo.


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"...I guess we can.," Mary Read said as Anne lowered her gun as she began to jump up and down in excitement. "Besides, all the boss does is sit on the couch on all day and plays video games."

"Umm...before we have fun, how about we come to an agreement?," Ryan asked as all the servants looked at him. "If you three agree to become my servants and help us take down this singularity, we can have all the fun you want when we win."

"Ok!!!," the three girls yelled as they hugged their master with pure joy.

Meanwhile, Martha just stood there dumbfounded. "What just happened?!,"

"Our attackers just became our allies.," Scathach said with small smile on her face. "It's funny how easy the situation has turned."

"Yeah. Now we can figure out what's going on.," Mashu stated. "However, we should really get them off Senpai because he's starting to turn blue."


Meanwhile, the man in black just growled in frustration as he watched his hunters join the enemy. "How?! How did he get them to join him so easily?!"

"It's because Ryan has been doing this for a while.," his partner said with a smile on her face. "He's been able to recruit the most stubborn of servants. However, you probably shouldn't sent those girls. They are extremely thirsty."

The man in black glared at the girl. "Says the girl who wants to steal Ryan's harem from him twice and failed."

"Hey! At least I was smart enough to send a second team after yours in case they failed

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"Hey! At least I was smart enough to send a second team after yours in case they failed.," Gudako said with a smile on her face as she left the room. "Now if you excuse me, I have to prepare for Ryan's arrival."

The man in black groaned as he began to regret teaming up with the orange haired master, but he needed someone who was to summon the servants he needed. It was hard to get any work done without her realizing his real plan, but he made it work. All he had to do was wait...and his plan would succeed with time.

"So....who did you send?," the man in black asked wondering who Ryan would encounter next.

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